Chapter 348: The song of the Yuki-Onna

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The place was packed with people, their unsuspecting targets (a few mafia bosses) were sighted, and the stage was set for the performances. Hizashi could care less about any of this now as he drank another shot of strong bottom shelf Sake.

Nemuri was pretending to be a waitress with Shizuki and a few other sidekicks. Shota sat near the stage listening to the gossiping and keeping a keen eye on Hizashi. He did a one handed sign language to tell Hizashi to quit drinking.

Hizashi rolled his eyes and Shota glared at him then signed towards the Bartender to stop giving him drinks. The man immediately took the Sake bottle away from Hizashi who frowned and set the full shot glass down on the counter and turned around to face Shota in order to flick him off. Shota's right eye twitched in immense irritation. *Yep he's definitely had one to many drinks if he's flicking people off.*

Hizashi huffed as he stared at the Sake in his glass before turning his head to do a side glance towards the stage as Shizuki announced the introduction of Kitsune.

He frowned as Kurenai walked out onto the stage. "Attention everyone. I'm sorry to say that I'll be unable to perform tonight. I'm sadly not feeling so well, maybe in the next few days I'll be in a better mood to perform."

The rowdy cries of disappointment from the audience, that mostly comprised of shady looking men, tugged on the thin line that was Hizashi's emotions as his right eye twitched and his lips turned into a sneer.

Kurenai smiled brightly as she held out her hand and effectively silenced the crowd.

"However, don't despair, for we have a new performer here with us tonight who's more than eager to give you all a thrilling performance."

She turned around and head to the stairs but then halted to look over her shoulder with a flirtatious wink. "Enjoy the show." She exited the stage with a flaunting swing in her step that had many sleazy eyes following after her. Hizashi's green eyes narrowed dangerously as one sleazy pervert tried to grab her bottom.

He saw the sleazy man's hand about to touch her and his sudden jealousy skyrocketed into the Green-Eyed glare of death. Shota's only seen this glare ONCE and he said that Hizashi's eyes were like staring at Greek Fire.

The green eyed monster is a cruel bastard for Hizashi to deal with right now. Why was he still like this? He's over her right? Right?

Hizashi's mind was saying one thing while his heart was screaming. *Nope Hizashi your mind is wrong so very wrong about that and you know it! She's got all of her nine tails wrapped around your heart. Your hurting inside, but so is she, so just man up, swallow your pride, and Do Something Dammit!*

Kurenai's battle instincts kicked in as her right ear turned to the side over the sudden movement coming from behind. Her yellow eyes narrowed dangerously as the man's hand was just inches away from touching her bottom. Hizashi saw two out of her nine tails suddenly appear underneath her billowing silk of her kimono as her ears grew taller and more pronounced while her blond hair turned a stark white. She spun around and rebuked the man's advances with a loud slap to the wrist.


"Nah-uh! You can look but don't touch! The same goes for the waitresses. If you fail to comply with that rule then you'll be kicked out. If I flirt with any of the guests then they should consider themselves lucky, but if you dare to advance upon me like some perverted sleazy scumbag then good luck keeping all your teeth buddy!"

Akemi's eyes widened over the two tails as did Shota. She really was like a Kitsune of Yokai mythology. Kurenai then saw someone staring at her from the corner of her left eye and she gasped softly when she noticed it was Hizashi. She's only seen that look on him a few times. Hizashi's eyes weren't on her but glaring at the man. His bright green eyes were a dark emerald green. The breath caught in her throat as they both suddenly locked eyes. Yellow met Green. Hizashi's face flushed pink over being caught and he immediately turned his attention to the stage only to see a smirking Shota Aizawa. Shota signed.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now