Chapter 336: The killing's of the Crimson King Joker

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Warning: This chapter involves Attempted Rape. Akemi doesn't let the Crimson King Joker get far (Shota is still going to be her first but this is one of the reason's she's never talked about this mission). I feel the upmost need to write this warning. The last thing I want is for it be a trigger for anyone.

Also if ANYONE has been a victim of rape please please please do not be afraid to speak up and tell somebody. Because rape is rape and it is beyond despicable and is by no means the victims fault. That blame is on the rapist. It is a despicable act.

So think of Akemi's beat down of the Crimson King as a valid dose of revenge if it gives you a sense of support. That's all I have left to say...


Genkaku was not afraid...he wasn't. He's been through a hell lot worse than this and survived. So being left alone with five psychopathic clowns wasn't a worry, nope not at all.

The big guy, the one called Jolly Jack suddenly headed in the direction the Crimson King and Akemi headed to moments ago.

The Demon was quick to remark within his brain. *...Guard Duty this is bad...*

*Shut Up...She's strong...She'll be fine!*

*You sound unsure?*

*Yeah, well so do you!*

Scarface walked over to Genkaku and the internal conversations ceased. The Demon made no hint of unsettling discomfort as the man's clawed gloved hand rested upon his shoulder. "Something about you seems different...familiar even. Where have I seen your outfit before?"

"You clearly are confusing me for whoever your thinking about. I can assure you I've never met you before tonight."

Scarface hummed as if he were choosing to forgo the conversation for something else entirely. "I can tell you've got blood on your tell me Ace what's your method of killing?"

Genkaku didn't gulp as Court Jester suddenly laughed like a broken record or when Reaper was just standing vigil with a haunting side eyed glare. Harlequin was in the Human Pretzel again and giggled as she asked him.

"Why so quiet? Cat got ya tongue?"

The Demon spoke. "My method of killing is through the mind. That maze of mirrors makes me feel right at home. I torture and destroy the mind, like Freddy Kruger my insanity drives my victims insane."

Court Jester laughed manically and Genkaku was drawn back to his time in the asylum surrounded by laughing screaming lunatics. The Demon was getting antsy over those irritating memories resurfacing.


Harlequin laughed alongside her father.

The Demon spoke as he casually stepped out from Scarface's clawed grasp. "So, I've heard rumors from the villainous underground that you deal with Kidnapping children...I have a question about that—what becomes of them if their not turned into smiling pawns for the King right away? Are they immediately killed, tortured, or perhaps imprisoned like birds in a cage waiting for the Crimson King's mood to change?"

It was like a pin dropped as the chamber was eerily silent Court Jester immediately stopped laughing and Reaper slowly turned to face him head on. Scarface's clawed gloves flexed dangerously.

"You ask a lot of know curiosity is what killed the cat."

The Demon smirked. "Well what can I say? I'm a curious guy. And it has failed to kill me yet Scarface. Since I'm a new member don't you think I should know?"

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