Chapter 367: You should be proud of them, you all have some incredible students

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The students and teachers stared at Kurenai in shock as she finished telling them what Genkaku (aka. the Demon) was willing to divulge to her when she had arrived at the hospital in tears over condition of the Kurotama's.

"I'm not sure what actually happened between the Demon and the Killer Hornet, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you understand the severity of what could easily happen to yourself and to those you care about and fight to protect. When you allow the enemy to mess with your head they will not show you any Akemi informed me of what happened to her..."

Akemi was stoically bitting her tongue while Shota's eyes dimmed over the memories.

"Your enemies will gladly kill to revel in the chance of exploiting your weakening emotional resolve. In the end, if your resolve is weak, such actions will ultimately...break you."

She opened her eyes and turned towards Bakugo who blinked in surprise over being the first person to garner her attention. "Bakugo, you were once kidnapped by the League of Villains..."

Bakugo immediately knew where this was going to and scowled. Kurenai simply stared at him and spoke with a stoic gaze while cutting straight to the point. "You can deny it all you wish, but I know what's hidden beneath that overconfident grin and hotheaded personality. You were terrified only an idiot would say otherwise and you don't strike me as an idiot. I know you're probably tired of hearing this, but the only reason the League kidnapped you, and didn't harm you, was because they believed they could convert you to their side. If they hadn't thought that then...well, I doubt they would've been against torturing you to gain any information you may have on All Might."

Bakugo's eyes widened as she continued. "You may not be as close to the man as Midoriya seems to be," She caught the sudden flinching of Midoriya, to which she winked at him with a coy smirk. "But you are still very close to the man, and that makes it dangerous for you. I'm not saying that any of you will make a career as a spy for any Agency but it is an important asset for you to learn how to retain information while on the job."

She stood up with a slight wince of pain from her side as Akemi, Shota, and Vlad stood up as well. Her yellow eyes suddenly darted to the door and her eyes dimmed. "Isn't that right...Hizashi?"

Everyone turned to see Hizashi Yamada, who was on a small break, because he had to give Kurenai the small medicine pouch she had forgot inside of his classroom (which had her pain pills). He stared at her with a deep sorrow behind his shades as he walked over and gave his girlfriend her medicine pouch. He looked away slightly as their hands briefly touched when she took her medicine pouch from him.

"Zashi...please don't blame yourself."

He turned to her and they had a silent conversation, before he sighed and kissed her forehead softly. He smiled and nodded. "I...I'll try okay? Just take those pills Kit. I know they taste bitter but Recovery Girl's orders. I'll see you later, my break is ending."

She smiled softly and nodded before taking the pills and shuddering in disgust over the taste even with water. She then returned to her task at hand after he left. "Alright let's make this interesting...I have a little exercise planned out for you all. Shota's class will be the villain's while Vlad's class will be the spies afterwards we'll switch."

She turned to Shota's class. "Your going to make up villain identities and pretend your all talking about business plans. The challenging part is that you'll be talking all at once as if you were in a bar. I'll be assigning spies to you all targets shortly from Vlads class."

She turned to Vlads class. "The goal of your class is to observe and remember what is being said for your specific target. Have fun but remember miss-information is what gets you, or the people you protect, killed."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें