Chapter 291: The Origin behind the Hero name Asylum

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Kurotama couldn't believe his eyes he smiled softly and placed his hand on Genkaku's shoulder. "We'll both tell them."

"Sure fine..."

"Just don't turn it into a snooze fest old man."

Kurotama's right eye twitched as he sneered with his cigarette dangling between his teeth.

"Ignore him Senpai, you know I do it constantly..."

Within his subconscious his other half was fuming in a childlike pout of indignation.


Genkaku smirked and placed his index finger to his lips. "Shush you, it's story time. That means you have to be a good little Demon and be quiet."

He chuckled softly when he saw Eri giggling. Surprisingly his demonic side didn't snap a remark about his teasing after hearing Eri giggle.

Genkaku was glad to see he hadn't frightened the child.

"Okay where to begin...I think I'll talk about my time in that Hell-hole Asylum."

Life is Hell...

He's known that cold hard truth since before he could even talk.

If you didn't fit the mold of society you were cast out like garbage to fend for yourself, or, if your Genkaku...locked away from the world in a Hellhole insane asylum.

His motto for life was silence.

If he shows no emotion at all then he'll be safe.

He killed his emotions in order to survive, but the demonic side was never content with being shoved into his subconscious, or even being quiet.

Nope, he was constant irritating chatter box of escape plans that fell on deaf ears.

Over the next nine years of incarceration, the demonic side would turn into a child just learning how to speak from the years of fatigue and malnutrition finally catching up to Genkaku.

The mornings were like clockwork.

Wake up with little to no sleep at all because of the psychopaths screaming at all hours of the night...

Add that to the demonic half begging to kill the screaming bastards every time he wakes up in a fury of sleep deprivation.

Walk in a straight line with the other 'insane' people towards the showers...

It was always freezing cold.

He was surprised he never got hypothermia.

Then it's back to his place in the asylum and eat whatever he had the nerve to stomach down...

He would be forced to eat with feeding tubes whenever he refused to eat.

A blindfold was sealed over his eyes at all times, but he could still see everything, given how his insanity hallucination quirk works.

His reality was always twisting and warped like a horror movie...

The 'treatments' those creepy doctors would put him under were not meant for a child to endure.

Like they even cared...

He was often strapped up to chairs, poked and prodded at with needles by the doctors who treated him like a cadaver.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now