Chapter 323: "You can't use our grandchild as a peace offering."

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Manami was lounging in a tree. A large familiar tree where a heart was carved into it. This heart had two initials on full display.

She had her back pressed against the base of the tree, her legs up against her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs, and her head resting upon her knees. Nobuyuki sighed over seeing her like this. He frowned the moment he heard her crying upon her knees.

He knew she was aware that he was there, she just wasn't ready to acknowledge him yet.

Emiko seemed to understand the situation and stayed quiet. Nobuyuki sighed softly as his fingers gently glided across the craved heart he had placed in the tree all those years ago. Carvings that Akemi was clearly tending to as the tree grew in size. He smiled softly over the fresh carved engravings and the care his beloved daughter took with her parents favorite tree at U.A.

He then sighed again as he looked up at his wife. He saw her gazing at him through her hair. "Hey..." he smiled with a gulp. "I brought a piece offering..." He chuckled hesitantly while Emiko finally decided that it was time to cheer up her Grandma, and she giggled happily while kicking her legs about in the baby carrier strapped to Nobuyuki's chest.

Manami finally lifted her head and Nobuyuki flinched over her bloodshot eyes staring down at him like he was one of their sidekicks and not her husband. "You can't use our grandchild as a peace offering Nobuyuki."

He sighed softly and spoke with a pleading gaze. "Can you please come down from there, or do I have to come up?"

"You are not coming up here with an infant strapped to your chest!" She huffed and jumped down. "I'm on solid ground, ya happy now dear?"

"No, because I upset you..."

Manami flinched and turned her face away from his gaze as he spoke softly. "I've neglected your feelings...I'm sorry darling."

She frowned and hugged her arms close to her chest. He sighed softly and turned towards the tree. His fingers glided over the craving. He smiled softly and spoke when he noticed Emiko's eyes on it as well.

"You know Emiko I carved this for your grandma the day I finally got the nerve to kiss her."

Emiko instantly looked up at him with starry eyes and a wide grin on her chubby little baby face. Manami shifted her eyes towards him and her enraptured infant granddaughter.

She didn't say anything and it was obvious he was trying to shift the tension into a lighter mood for her to come to terms over her emotions and for him to figure out what he would say afterwards.

Nobuyuki continued with a smile directed down towards their youngest grandchild. "I was a lovesick idiot."

Emiko giggled and Nobuyuki smirked playfully and rolled his eyes. "Oh yes continue to giggle at my expense you little pixie princess."

Manami smiled softly as she glanced at him. He smiled softly as his fingers refused to move from the carving. He finally spoke towards his wife.

"You remember that day as clearly as I do...don't you darling. I remember punching those bastards in the teeth over how they were going on about your parents...talking about things they didn't understand. I took that detention with pride. My parents were supportive of my choice the moment I explained it to them."

He closed his eyes. "Defending your honor and the deaths of your parents Manami, is something I'll never look down on."

Two weeks after Osamu and Yuina became friends and Nobuyuki's first real date with Manami, life was going well for Manami until today...

Fifteen year old Nobuyuki Yuriemoto was busy sparing with Osamu Aizawa. Both quickly became close friends after being properly introduced and they became rather respectable and competitive rivals. They were both testing out new sparring techniques Manami had taught them after school. They were both giving out advice on ways to make it better for their opponent to gain the upper hand despite trying to beat each other. The teachers of 1-A and 1-B watched on in intrigue.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now