Chapter 249: "Will I recover that broken piece?"

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Akemi got out of the car with a shaking wobble of the cane and her other hand gripping the doorframe. She looked up at the gates of U.A. only to gasp over the assembly of U.A.'s faculty and the entire student body present and clapping for her. She was shaking and her grip on the cane tightened as she turned away as if the flee but she had Shota blocking her escape route back inside the car. Two soft strong hands held her shoulders and his strong voice spoke softly.

"Akemi, what's wrong?"

"I... I don't want anyone seeing me like this."

Nemuri had already started walking over to them when the car first pulled up and hugged her. "Akemi Yuriemoto-Aizawa you are far from being a weakling!"

Snipe commented loudly beneath his gas mask. "You best darn believe that Akemi! Your as fierce as a Rattlesnake!"

Hizashi shouted.

"We Did This To Show You How We're All Here For You Akemi!!!"

Toshinori was in his All Might form with Eri on his shoulders. "You can thank Young Eri for this gathering!"

Mirio was grinning brightly as Midoriya nodded and spoke with a tired yawn. "She knocked on my door and dragged me around to knock on everyone's door the moment she came back and asked them to make her mommy feel appreciated!"

Akemi was in tears. Then her little Emiko walked the entire length of the walkway up to the massive gate and held out a lemon.


Akemi was shaking so badly and she bowed her head and cried. "Shota...pick her up please. I-I can't..."

Shota nodded and picked Emiko up. Emiko handed the lemon to her mommy. Akemi smiled softly and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you my sweet little Emiko..."

Shota reached out to hold her arm to support her but Akemi was already walking slowly up the path. She tried to act like she didn't see her students gasping over her injured leg becoming visible as she limped up the path. Shota sighed softly and followed her.

She reached Toshinori and smirked. "Don't strain yourself, put Eri down." He looked surprised and she rolled her eyes. "You're steaming up Toshinori."

He set Eri down and returned to his normal form with a sigh. Akemi limped another step towards him and hugged him. "Thank you Toshinori..."

She then turned towards Eri and frowned softly. "I'm sorry Eri, I can't pick you up sweetie but...thank you so much!"

Eri carefully hugged her. "I love you mommy. You deserved it."
Everything was harder now. Realizing she couldn't handle picking up her infant daughter or even Eri was the hardest part for her to deal with. Carrying anything was harder now. Sure the students pulled their weight but she felt so useless and soon that cane became nothing but a 1000 pound crutch upon her soul.

While Shota was training Eri during his free periods Akemi was busy with her classes. At first she was the same as always with her drill sergeant attitude but as the days passed she realized something...her students were cautious about her now. As if she'd break if they weren't carful. Whenever anyone asked her to do a particular move she would tense up and clench that cane with a shaking grip while another student would whisper to their classmate about how she can't anymore.

(Not until she's healed, they said. Ask her then, they said.)

They often tried to encourage her to take it easy. To sit back and just observe. She knew that it wasn't out of disrespect but she could still hear them talking about her injury as they trained and it hurt. To realize how much she was losing.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now