Chapter 248: The name...

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Shota woke up the next morning to the news about the tragedy playing on the tv within the small hospital room. Shota was going to change the channel but Akemi's hand held onto the remote.

"No...I need to see what those vultures have to say about this...about me."


The reporters voice shifted his attention towards the TV.

"Tragedy is what was left of a once lively apartment building just an hour before dusk. Yesterday an explosion caused devastating destruction and loss of life. This tragedy was caused from a villain known as the Anarchist the man had vanished from the criminal scene after the death of pro hero Golden Harpy sixteen years ago. Many in the hero scene believed that he was dead but yesterday pro hero Harionago was given a lead, that he was alive. She went to the man's apartment complex and under the observations of the other Underground Heros attempted to scout his apartment for clues of his motives when he was away. What happened after the man confronted her was disastrous."

His eyes widened over the sight of the explosion.

"Harionago searched the entire complex for survivors battling smoke inhalation to save the only one that was still alive. A six year old girl...named Emiko Hara."

Akemi's eyes widened and she dropped the remote. "E-Emiko..." tears fell down her face while Shota was frozen in shock over seeing the reporters and camera crew standing away from the tragedy instead of running over to immediately hound Akemi for details. He knew why they didn't...

Watching her crying in agony as she held that little girl in her arms was enough to have his heart shatter. He saw Nobuyuki and Manami running over and hugging her.

"Sadly the child died before the emergency rescue team arrived to put out the fire..."

Shota saw the recovery crew walking over to take the child's body but Akemi was hysterical.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" She was grieving as she bowed her head and sobbed holding the girl's lifeless body like a mother would hold her child. "I...she should be with her parents. Their in the fourth room on the third floor from the stairs..." She looked up pleadingly. "P-please she should be with her parents..."

Nobuyuki and Manami looked up at the recovery crew and spoke. "You heard her...the child should be with her parents."

Akemi sobbed. "That's all she wanted...was to be with her momma and papa."

Shota blinked the moment he heard her sobbing beside him. She was grieving.

"I didn't even know her name before she died! I could've told her that she shares her name with my daughter! I-I bet it would've made her smile."

He changed the channel to the other news stations and all he heard was the same praise and understanding he couldn't believe it! Not that he ever wanted her to be criticized for that but this was something he would never expect from the vultures.

Shota held her close and kissed her lips softly before speaking. "Darling...Japan saw you for who you are, as a Hero and a Mother. I love you so much darling."

Akemi nodded as the tv was turned off and a nurse walked in. "Oh-! Recovery Girl mentioned you would be in here with her Mister Aizawa. Mrs. Aizawa how is the leg feeling this morning?"

"Not as sensitive as last night I can touch it without hurting...those medical bandages worked great."

"That's good it means your ready to go home. I'll inform Recovery Girl and get your discharge papers underway."

Shota smiled as he kissed her cheek. Akemi smiled but as she looked down her smile vanished as she gazed at her leg. The nurse noticed and sighed softly.

"You'll have some nerve damage and likely some muscle damage from the timber and the burns. might have trouble using that leg at first but nothing that won't heal with psychical therapy..."

Akemi held her hand up for silence. "Don't continue please.. I already knew it the moment I saw the burn. I won't be able to fight and I'll have to walk with a cane or a brace because I'll have a limp."

The nurse blinked in shock and Akemi clenched her hands into shaking fists, bowed her head, and spoke bluntly. "I might have been crippled to a bed and drugged up on pain killers but I'm not deaf! I heard everything through the door!"

"Mrs. Aizawa please don't think all hope is lost! You'll be able to walk around without the cane in time, but I'm sure that with the proper care and psychical therapy you might..."

"That's the thing...I might..."

Shota took her hands. "Darling please try to stay positive. We'll never know if we don't try?"

Akemi turned to her husband and saw into his eyes. She sighed. " mind helping me up?"

She tried to stand and with Shota as her support she sighed and nodded. "I'm ready to go home."

She was generously handed a simple cane and her hand hesitated before taking it. A piece of her confidence died the moment she used that cane to help herself walk.

She felt tears in her eyes and then felt Shota's warm hand wrapping around her waist to rest upon her hip. "I'll help you Akemi. I promise we'll get you back to being like yourself again."

Akemi didn't say it, but hearing those words hurt because he was essentially making a promise he didn't even know he could keep.

His words so casually spoken to Toshinori the first day of class 1-A's high school semester as freshmen rang around in her head.

*Don't you know it's cruel to let a child keep dreaming of something that will never come true?*

She looked ahead at the car Principal Nezu had sent to pick them up. Shota kissed her cheek as she walked with a noticeable limp.

"We'll get through this together Akemi. I promise."

All Akemi could do was smile and nod before resting her head against the headrest and gaze forlornly out the window. Shota frowned in sorrow. The joy in her eyes was diminishing the more he looked at her. He took her chin within his hand turned her head towards him and kissed her roughly upon the lips.

"Akemi you know you can talk about this to me right? I'm here for you darling I'm not going to let you suffer alone. You suffer I suffer. I'll make it my mission to make you smile everyday and I'll be a calm compassionate but still stern drill sergeant come psychical therapy."

Akemi smirked softly and kissed his lips. "Your a softie Shota."

Shota smiled over her humor. "And your just stubborn..."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ