Chapter 226: "Lets All Become Hero's...TOGETHER!"

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Shota was sitting against the wall staring at the door leading to the conversation room that he's only been in once before.

That time had been with his enemy...this time could likely be with his best friend...

He closed his eyes and bowed his head. He hardly touched his food. He couldn't eat. His mouth was dry and his food tasted like ash on his tongue.

How was he going to tell Akemi or Nemuri or even face Shira's family if everything he heard turns out to be true? That the body they cremated...the body they buried...the body they had mourned over...

The body HE had mourned over for FIFTEEN YEARS was switched with someone else and then experimented on and turned into a monster! A walking, talking, All For One's little puppet of evil!



The recoil of this was enough to get Shota to vomit into his empty lunch bag. He curled in on himself afterwards and wept bitterly against the cold wall.

Hizashi was sitting beside him and instantly reached out to place a comforting hand overtop of Shota's violently shaking hand. Shota instantly turned his hand around and gripped his adoptive brothers hand in a tight violently shaking hold as he wept over the horrific reality that was just waiting for them beyond that closed door.

After forty five minutes of tears and soothing circles being rubbed against his back from a overly caring Hizashi and Shota was finally able to speak clearly.

"The-The last time I came here was nine years ago. When I finally confronted Orochi..."

Hizashi's breath caught in his throat as his eyes widened. His left hand ceased its circular motion against his adoptive brothers back as his right hand squeezed Shota's hand tightly. Shota closed his eyes again and spoke. "And's likely our best friend waiting for us inside of that room."

Hizashi shifted his left hand from Shota's back in exchange for a over the shoulder hug. Shota willingly leaned into that hug with a broken gaze. Hizashi was grieving too.

Shota's black eyes were glued towards the door not even caring about the guards staring at them in a state of empathy. Hizashi whispered towards him with grief in his voice. "I'm here for you Bro just like how you are for me. We're doing this together. Never alone Shota!"

Tears fell from Shota's eyes as he choked up on his words. "Shira's alone..."

"If it is Shira then I promise Shota...he won't be alone for long...we'll help him come back home to us, and to his memory at a time."

"How are we ever gonna tell the others about this? Or his family Zashi? Everything we believed in after that day could be a lie...his parents...his entire family?"

"..." Hizashi held him closer and whispered as he rested the side of his head against his grieving brothers. "One step at a time Bro...we'll handle this just like how we handle everything else that's been placed against us. With one step at a time."

Shota nodded and then closed his eyes as his tears fell. Hizashi never removed his arm from around his shoulder even as the man attempted to eat his food and ultimately failed.

Their food...was Sushi...lovingly prepared by Akemi this morning.


Shota's tears fell in volume as he gritted his teeth. *Oh how could such a simple word have so much meaning packed into it?*

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now