Chapter 292: All I feels Adrenaline

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As expected the mission with Nobuyuki and Tsukauchi changed drastically from a criminal detainment into a shootout turned high speeds car chase.

The windows were down of the undercover police car. The wind blew against Shota's hair as he stared at the road. He was driving with the skillset of a daredevil speed demon.

He shifted the stick shift without stalling and drifted around a curve in the road before weaving between the cars serpentine style.

Nobuyuki was riding shotgun leaning out of the window waiting for the moment to fling himself onto the roof in order to jump onto the getaway car.

He frowned as the headwind blasted against his body and face and yet he was completely unfazed by the wind.

He suddenly lifted a large section of his hair to expertly slice a bullet into fine powder as it contacted each strand of his hair.

That bullet was only eight inches from his face.

Nobuyuki scoffed in a unimpressed manner over the criminals apparent gun styled quirks.

"Tch...typical bullet based quirks. This will be just like playing Fruit Ninja."

He smirked and was slicing the flying bullets into powder with his hair. He wouldn't allow a single stray bullet to wound an innocent bystander.

Suddenly the light on the four-way intersection turned yellow. Nobuyuki spoke.

"Shota the light!"

"I Know Nobuyuki..."

Shota wasn't slowing down, if anything he was speeding up! Nobuyuki shouted.

"Shota The Light!"

"Relax I Got This All Under Control!"

They neared the turned red!



Nobuyuki had to cling to the door as Shota sped through the red light hydroplaning in a jump, due to the speed and the downward sloping hill. The wheels landed against the road and he shifted the stick shift seamlessly driving the undercover police car between the traffic.

Nobuyuki looked like he'd be sick as he stared at Shota who smirked.

"Never doubt me old man. I'm the champion of these roads."

Nobuyuki returned to his job as bullet hibachi chef. He used his hair to slice bullets into fine powder. Tsukauchi's car had fallen behind thanks to the red light.

Shota was following in step with the getaway car. He was grinning devilishly as he drifted out into oncoming traffic for Nobuyuki to slice a bullet barrage into bullet powder, only to immediately swerve back into his lane before weaving between the cars. When a large gap of no cars happened he slammed on the throttle working the petals and stick shift as if he were a character out of The Fast and the Furious franchise flying through lights like a demon possessed driver.

Nobuyuki shouted as he leaned out the window slicing up bullets with his hair.

"Your Enjoying This Way To Much Shota!"

"So What If I Am?" He shouted with a jovial laugh, "WOOWHOOOOO EAT PAVEMENT SUCKERS, I'M THE CHAMPION OF THESE ROADS!" He shifted the stick shift before yanking the steering wheel to the right in a drift sending Nobuyuki's body flinging back into the passenger seat of the car. Nobuyuki immediately turned to him and yelled.


"Last I checked I'm the one driving not you!"

He shifted gears and worked the petals and accelerated out of the city center, weaving in and out of traffic, and onto one of the highway bridges.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt