Chapter 280: The End of a Titan

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"Soooooo did your mom have to make him jealous or something?"

Shota frowned and spoke with a empty faraway gaze. "No...they had to almost die for him to finally realize that he loved her so deeply that he couldn't stand the thought of losing her...."

His students noticed his hand was gripping the charm necklace that Akemi gave him for Christmas. More specifically the charm representing his parents love.

"This is not a story I like to talk was a day of both love and heartbreaking tragedy. This is honestly a test of my emotional resolve. It's especially hard given my past battle over what happened with...Shirakumo."

The moment he said Shirakumo his students had a feeling that this wasn't a simple mission gone wrong...this was something more.

Osamu excelled in his training and those three years of internships under Erasure and he was already considered a recognized pro hero before graduation. Now twenty years old he smirked softly as he remembered a few months ago when Nobuyuki barged into the police station, right as Osamu was in the middle of giving his report on the drug cartel he was able to stop, only to be confronted by a wildly grinning Nobuyuki Yuriemoto.

In one breath the titanium haired man said he had finally proposed to Manami and expected them both to be at his wedding.

Akitoshi Shinso took up the mantle of Lead Detective like his father, since his mother Ayeka refused to retire yet. He was still single and a workaholic just like his mother. He looked up from the file he was reading over with Osamu and smiled brightly.

"Congratulations, however take it easy on the door will ya?"

The happy couple was married a week ago. They would likely be returning from their honeymoon sometime tomorrow.

Osamu and Yuina were both happy to see their friends so happy, but right now their thoughts were on something else. Erasure had teamed them up on patrol that was supposed to be a simple reckon, and completely by coincidence they ended up stumbling upon a villain. Unlike all the other times, it happened to be a bad coincidence.

They never could've expected the villain to cross their path during their patrol would end up having a powerful Earthquake quirk!

The building around them started shaking violently and Yuina cursed as a large section of ceiling fell on her as she ran with her quirk activated to apprehend the villain. She was pinned and her concentration stalled as she blinked when the dust blinded her slightly before she regained her vision.

She mentally cursed. *Of all the times I wished dad were here with us! Where the hell are you Osamu he's getting away!*

It all happened so fast Osamu was now at her side throwing the rubble away from her bruised and beaten up body and helping her stand. "Mindreader what the hell are you doing? Forget about me! Stay focused on the villain! We have to catch that guy!"

"I am staying focused and I have to get you out of here Lady Blindeye! This is to much for us, he's planning on leveling the area with a category 7 earthquake. Last I checked we're teammates so leaving you behind is not an option I need you for this. We can't stop him unless we get out of here. And we surly can't stop him if he levels the building on top of us now can we so move!"

She was silenced over him taking charge like this. He was a strategist and only spoke whenever it suited him, unlike her who could talk enough for the two of them. She handled the stealth factor of most of their villain takedowns. He mostly acted as the distraction to devoid all the villains attention onto him while providing a backup defense and alternative offense if she was suddenly found and restrained. Those moments she's truly needed him to let lose and he never let her down but now he took charge.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now