Chapter 242: Akemi's martial arts dance

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Shortly after taming the rabid badger that was Vlad King from killing her husband in the infirmary, Akemi had finally put Emiko down for her morning nap. She exited the nursery bedroom only to have Eri standing in front of her, with those cute pink ninja wrappings around her arms, eagerly wishing to see how Akemi does her solo training. Akemi arched a brow and turned to the grinning Cockatoo after Eri told her that she heard her Uncle Zashi mentioning something along the lines of, "she dances with fire" and "can kick some major ass in a dance battle". Akemi's eyes narrowed over the bad word slip up from Eri but her glare was directed towards Hizashi.

"Eri...I'm flattered but what did I say about you saying curse words?"

Eri cowered slightly. "That I have better vocabulary...and to pretend Bakugo's a snarling Wolverine instead."

Bakugo looked pissed and Akemi smirked. "Exactly, I'm not mad at you it was an honest mistake because you were excited, but next time calm down and breathe first."

"Okay mommy but can you pleaseeeeee do the fire dancing Uncle Zashi talked about? It sounds really pretty!"

"Okay I'll show you."

That got the students spinning around in their seats on the couches, or stopping whatever it was they were doing, in order to gaze at her with the silent question of wether they could watch her or not?

Akemi obliged with a performers bow gesturing towards the door before leaving and they hastily followed her. She smirked over Shota who was finishing up with his punishment of cleaning the mess he created with the bonfire. Principal Nezu was silently observing him with a cup of tea in his little fuzzy paw.

Shota smirked as he pushed the massive broom around. " was worth it."

Hitoshi chuckled over his father's smug grin and Vlads twitching right eye as he stood beside Principal Nezu.

"Come over to Gym Gamma afterwards dear and you'll get to see me perform The Dancing Dragon."

Shota's eyes widened and he picked up the pace with sweeping.

Akemi smirked and as she saw Cementoss when they neared the teachers dorm she had him help out with her grand training regimen.

Practically everyone on campus caught wind of this after the Big Three sent a school wide text and soon she had a massive crowd. They all stood outside of Gym Gamma where Cementoss created a large arena sized slab of concrete with square pillars rising up from the concrete.

Shota had arrived with Principal Nezu resting snuggly inside of his capture scarf. Shota was a little irritable about that over the snickering gazes from the hoard of students.

"Seriously Sir I don't know why you always insist on this, or why I even allow it." A second movement on his opposite shoulder proved his weakness. Tsukiko was purring against his neck as he scratched her fuzzy head.

*Warm, soft, and fuzzy fur...dam that weakness he can walk next time I'll take a pay cut if he exploits that weakness!*

His eyes locked on Akemi who was still wearing her winterized hero outfit. She had Todoroki and Bakugo helping her out as she did The Dancing Dragon with a loud speaker amp and specialty song for Hizashi to play. She always trained in sync to a good song. What made her solo trainings more beautiful was that she sang allowing her voice to echo between the pillars as she danced to her unique training style.

 What made her solo trainings more beautiful was that she sang allowing her voice to echo between the pillars as she danced to her unique training style

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She leapt from pillar to pillar in a fast paced serpentine dance of martial arts moves. She was showcasing her superb agility and flexibility as Bakugo used his quirk to heat the large ice sheets Todoroki randomly formed to coat the ground in order to create waves of debilitating fog. Todoroki would then run between the concrete pillars and using his left side he created pillars of fire that Akemi would have to spin and weave around as if she were dancing with the flames.

To make it more interesting the concrete pillars were moving up and down in varying heights from Cementoss so Akemi had to balance and weave her body away from the flames while also adjusting to the shifting terrain in order to perform her agility fire dance without faltering.

Shota watched with a mesmerized gaze over the way she moved so effortlessly. He stared at her only to gasp as she smirked over his intense staring, winked at him, and blew him a kiss. Shota's eyes widened and his ears turned red over the obvious smirking grins from the entire student body over his embarrassment.

He narrowed his eyes at her teasing before he smirked. "Pardon me Principal but your getting evicted. You too Tsukiko." He set the Principal down, and Tsukiko. He removed his capture scarf handed it to Nezu, who immediately wrapped himself up inside of it only to have Tsukiko join him as Shota jumped onto the concrete pillars before anyone could stop him!

Todoroki's eyes widened in surprise while Bakugo grinned in a way that screamed for Shota to pose a new challenge.

Shota smirked as Akemi's eyes widened. He winked at her before he leapt backwards and did a rapid one handed handstand to avoid Todoroki's fire before pushing himself off the pillar. He twisted his body midair to land on his right foot on another pillar in the crane pose. Shota then challenged her with his hand gesturing for her to 'come hither'.

Akemi smirked as she was vaulted upward as the cement pillar suddenly grew upwards, she landed just as Todoroki let lose his flames. Akemi weaved around the high reaching flame pillars, and in a dubstep like dance they both met in the middle to spar. Everyone watched as they were trying to trip up their opponent and both the boys were cautious of not destabilizing a pillar (Bakugo) or barbecuing their teachers (Todoroki).

Shota smirked and Akemi stared intently at him with a not so innocent smile. Shota wagged his eyebrows as he gazed intently at her with that devilish smirk. Akemi smirked and rolled her eyes. Shota frowned, grabbed her arm, and kissed her. He chuckled over her flushed face before swinging her around and away from him. She landed on a pillar with her face flushed a deep fuchsia with wide blood red eyes opened in shock.

He chuckled smugly and Akemi smirked as she cracked her neck.

"I can play that game to Shota."

She charged for him with calculated footsteps and weaved effortlessly around the flames and even scaled up and around the high reaching pillars that were in front of her to get to him. She jumped around a pillar only to find that Shota wasn't where she thought he was.

She gasped in shock as he suddenly snagged her waist from behind and quickly pulled her backwards, just as she lost her footing on the pillar she was landing on. Her pulled her away from narrowly getting herself fried by Todoroki's flames. Akemi spun around and saw Shota gazing at her. His face was a few inches away before he finally leaned forward to kiss her. He then smirked as he spoke.

"I win."

"Not quite...your shirt sleeve is on fire dear."

"What-GRAH!!!" His shirt sleeve was on fire! He hastily patted the small fire out and then laughed. " won fair and square."

Akemi smiled and pulled him into another kiss while whispering against his smiling Cheshire like grin.

"I win, only because I have you as my husband Shota."

Shota smiled as he took her hand and lead her off the arena only to have the entire school applauding them.

Shota smirked and spoke. "Okay you all saw the grand performance now scram."

Eri ran over and hugged them both. "That was incredible!!!"

"Thank you Eri. If you want you can have Class 1-A and 1-B teach you some moves with the Big Three?"

Eri's eyes widened and shined as she hurried over to Uncle Zashi and left the couple alone. Cementoss lowered the pillars into a solid arena and left. The music was still playing and Shota pulled Akemi into a slow dance.

They waltzed with a smile upon their faces. Akemi grinned as Shota leaned forward to kiss her. "I love you darling."

"I love you to Shota."

He then deepened the kiss with a loving groan as Akemi wrapped her arms around his neck with a loud moan while his hands wrapped around her waist and the back of her head.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now