Chapter 268: Miyu's trial...

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Two weeks later...

This was bad. The news was out about Miyu. Apparently Mizuki Rin had put the pieces together and blabbed to the media that her ex boyfriend named Hayato was harboring a wanted criminal.

They had gotten Miyu on camera. Or more accurately, they had gotten Hayato...twice.

There was video of Hayato carrying Miyu out of the store after the Oni criminal incident during their date. A young girl's phone camera was pretty high quality, despite Hayato's efforts Miyu's face, including her eyes, were in high-definition. The fact that Hayato had not just refused to give a statement, but ran away entirely with her in his arms, was suspicious.

The part Hayato was surprised over was that Mizuki didn't even give the media a clue that he was even a pro hero at all! He sighed. At least she respected the integrity of the secret identity enough to keep that under wraps. That or she feared the repercussions from Police Chief Ayeka breathing down her neck.

The real blow however was on that rainy day after the Mizuki Rin fiasco. A store camera opposite to the Café had caught Hayato (in his full hero garb) exiting the Café with a grumpy cat in his arm alongside a beautiful woman who looked similar enough to the one he was carrying in the robbery video. The most damning part: he had held the door open for her, and then held her hand on the way out before kissing her passionately in the rain.

Now less than 72 hours before Miyu's trial, all the attention started shifting from her to the mysterious man named Hayato.

Hayato wondered if it would be an insult to his beloved parents names if he suddenly decided to change his name?

Miyu was a nervous wreck as she stared at the TV. *Would Hayato have to break his own rule of remaining unseen and unknown to the media as a pro hero all for the sake of my freedom?*

The TV interview with the Chief of Police over Hayato's alleged partnership, as stated from a conveniently absent Mizuki Rin, was getting intense.

One of the news station was feeding off the gossip like it was life giving water in a drought.

"This woman shown in the Videos, seems to have the same eyes as Nyx. And running from the scene of a crime when you're the victim and possibly injured? Why would someone even do that?"

A respectable news company attempted to make sense of the madness.

"We can't jump to any conclusions, although these videos are quite interesting. We're only going off eye color and a vague body shape after all. There is no need to spread anymore unnecessary gossip..."

Another reporter commented. "We've tried talking to the man in question from the phone number given to us by Pro Hero Moonflower, but he has refused to comment on any inquiries and even blocked us from his phone. Does anyone else find that a bit suspicious?"

Police Chief Ayeka Shinso had enough of this and grabbed the nearest microphone to make a public announcement.

"You people are like a pack of yapping Pomeranian's and I'm getting a splitting headache from this nonsense. Seriously I'm fours weeks pregnant and my baby is currently making me want to vomit over the pungent smell of someones cheap-ass cologne. The man in the video is under service to the police department. He was tasked with the case of hunting down the Japanese Ripper and coincidentally managed to stumble upon Nyx who was the unfortunate witness to one of the brutal murders. Given her quirk Blind Transparency she was unseen up until Mister Hayato arrived and cancelled her quirk in order to question her once he realized she was there. He quickly assessed the situation and acted accordingly under his best judgment. He informed me of his decision the next day and was tasked with the role of protecting her from the man, as she was a valuable witness and our only lead in solving the case. She was willing to help Hayato and the police by connecting the dots between motives and narrowed down the suspect within this long standing case. If you wanna hear more then by all means come to the courthouse tomorrow and you will see me put my own career on the line for this woman's freedom in this upcoming trial. Seriously this is a news interview not a high school prom! Get your shit together people! Now if you'll excuse me I have a date with the nearest toilet over that stupid cologne!"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя