Chapter 315: Slow progression

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Tucking her daughters into bed was a happy and tearful experience.

She was happy because Eri read her favorite story to her mommy, instead of the other way around.

Akemi was tearful the moment she saw the Mommy and Daddy dolls in Emiko's crib after tucking her baby girl into bed.

She held the Daddy doll and giggled over the crazy grin. Then she saw the stitching on the neck region. She frowned darkly. She couldn't explain it, but anger just felt right in that moment. Maybe Shota could explain it to her?

She heard Emiko cooing in her sleep mumbling. "Baba..." Akemi smiled softly and kissed Emiko's forehead before tucking the Daddy doll next her baby girl.

Sleeping in a bed with a man whose supposed to be your husband, when you have no memory should feel strange and felt right.

It felt warm. It felt like home.

She was grateful at least that he wore pajama pants. She probably would've burst into flames if he wore only his boxers.

Shota smiled softly as he helped her into bed. She was blushing over his muscles and the scars of his chest.

Shota laid down with his hands behind his head. He noticed her gaze on him and smirked as playfully bantered.

"I know I'm just to hot to handle..."

"Sh-Shut up!" Her face flushed fuchsia.

Shota chuckled softly and smiled as Akemi laid down near him. He smiled softly and spoke as he sat up on his arm and reached out to place a strand of her hair behind her ear before caressing her cheek. His hand slid down to her chin as he gazed into her eyes.

"I know this will be a major adjustment but...know that I won't be against you needing someone to cuddle with okay. I'm always open for a cuddle with my lovely wife."

Akemi blushed. She was beginning to wonder if this reaction was normal even before her amnesia. Blushing over every single smile and romantic gesture he did towards her.

She felt like a teenager with the way she reacted to his displays of affection towards her.

Shota was lost in her eyes for a moment and with his fingers curled beneath her chin he tilted her head up as he leaned forward to kiss her lips, but he faltered suddenly with a startled gasp of clarity. He instead hastily pulled back then lovingly kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Akemi."

Akemi stared at him as he laid down with a pink tint to his face before he closed his eyes to sleep. Her heart was doing flips within her chest when she replayed that scenario within her head. He was about to kiss her lips but pulled away so he wouldn't seem to strong in his affections and scare or overwhelm her.

It was incredibly romantic and caused her to smile over his understanding and compassion.

"Goodnight Shota."

She laid down facing him and closed her eyes to sleep.

Two hours later Shota woke up to a sudden warmth pressing against his right side. He opened his eyes and smiled lovingly as Akemi was cuddled against his side. He cautiously wrapped his right arm underneath her and placed his hand delicately upon her waist. He breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't wake up. He smiled lovingly over seeing her smile in her sleep. He then stared up at the ceiling and closed his eyes with hope in his heart that his wife's memories were fighting to return.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now