Chapter 329: The Color Red

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This chapter center's around Eri's drawing of her past trauma.

The one of the bird people...and of how she views the colors red, green, white, and purple in her pathway to healing.

Long ago Eri hated the color red.

Red meant only bad things. Red eyes were evil. Red eyes were meant for only selfish children and selfish children deserve to be punished.

Red meant pain.

Pain for those who were supposed to be watching her. Pain they received the moment after she ran away from them.

Pain in her heart knowing that she was to blame for their broken down bodies that stained the walls red with blood that would drip down to coat the floors whenever Chisaki was angry. the blood that would run down her arms as Chisaki took more and more from her as she stared like a china doll with glass eyes, as he tore her apart piece—by piece—by piece.

Red is the color of her blood that was used to make people's quirks go away.

Blood that made her wishing he never revived her at all. She was trapped in a vicious never ending cycle of pain as he continued all over again the very next day.

And so for a long time that's why Eri hated the color red.

For a long time Eri was never safe. She never felt safe in her room of toys she never played with. Trapped in a cage of painted walls that offered her nothing but wishful dreams of escape. Never did she feel safe in that lab of white and silver.

And yet she hated the color red more than she did white and silver.

Over time she learned red wasn't so bad, it was like white. White was the color of the hero outfit attached to the red cape that was used to protect her. The outfit and cape belonging to the smiling boy she new as Lemillion. He was the white knight who fought to rescue her. A boy she now calls Mirio. The boy she was determined to help by restoring his quirk someday.

Red was the color of Deku's shoes. She liked the color of Deku's shoes and the green of his outfit. Green was a color that made her feel safe. Green became her favorite color, but she didn't particularly like the green apples, those were sour.

Green meant warmth and kind arms.

It meant she would be safe.

She then learned that red eyes aren't evil. Red eyes can be good too.

She learned that when she first met Mister Zawa. When she heard about his quirk hope filled her heart. She could be free of her curse. But then he explained, and her hopes were diminished, but were not destroyed. He was nice and answered all her questions. She liked his smile when he showed her pictures of his family. The woman's eyes were closed and her smile was wide. She didn't ask what the woman's eye color was.

She soon learned red is the color of the pretty lady's eyes. The pretty ladies name is Akemi. She's kind and scary...but mostly kind. She cares deeply about her students and reminds Eri of how love should be like.

She's also married to Mister Zawa.

Red is a part of the color purple. Eri likes purple. Well...she like Hitoshi Shinso's shade of purple. That small boy she met at the festival makes her uncomfortable. Miss Akemi was more than willing to put him in his place though. Again she's a scary lady but pretty lady too. Eri likes Miss Akemi's red eyes. Especially whenever she's looking at Mister Zawa.

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