Chapter 350: The Dance of the Cherry Blossom Petals

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The lights went out and Shota heard many men commenting on the next performance by the Flowering Dancer. When the lights turned on again as the next performer appeared on the stage Shota frowned darkly over the commentary the moment he saw the golden ring. This woman was married, and these men had the gall to say such perverted things of her. It made Shota's blood boil.

Akemi was no better as her eyes glared out at the crowd behind her hair.

Aishi noticed and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Easy Akemi. Sakura's no wallflower she knows who loves her back home. Besides if these men knew her husband they'd be thinking twice before saying such things."

"Whose her husband?"

Ena smirked. "You watch kickboxing?"

"Occasionally to learn knew techniques and critique the form of the fighters. Why?"

"Well...Sakura's husband the one nicknamed the Kickboxing King. Some people claim he's the equivalent of boxing Rocky Balboa and kickboxing champ Melissa Hernandez having a baby and that is him. He's a beast in the kickboxing ring!"

Akemi's eyes widened as she smirked. "Okay then I'd say she's a lucky lady."

Sakura gave a playfully innocent pose as she spoke softly. "There is the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies, and the Dance of Swan Lake, now...allow me to show you all the Dance of the Cherry Blossom Petals."

The sakura patterns on the thin silken fabric over her kimono, along her chest and down the left side of her body peeled off the thin silk and started to take on the shape of actual cherry blossoms flowers

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The sakura patterns on the thin silken fabric over her kimono, along her chest and down the left side of her body peeled off the thin silk and started to take on the shape of actual cherry blossoms flowers. The larger than natural flowers were floating in tranquil spinning motions before the petals split apart as if they had been plucked. The moment the larger petals were plucked they burst into multiple tiny natural sized sakura petals and floated around her body in an elegant serpentine dance.

As she moved within her loose kimono Shota saw a pair knee high pink tights and a small flowing skirt underneath the folded layers of the kimono.

Hizashi watched with a distant frown. Sure she danced with the grace of a ballerina but she was no competition for Kurenai's dancing. Despite all his frustrations over the last two performances and the denial he had over his own heart. He had to admit that as a solid undeniable truth. This woman was no competitor to the beauty of Kurenai's dancing.

Once upon a time he would've watched Kurenai dance for day's on end if he didn't have to eat, drink, or sleep.

*It's almost a shame that Kurenai wasn't performing.* His brains immediate response to the thought coming solely from his aching heart was to contradict that thought.

*No It's Not A Shame! You're Still Mad At Her Remember?!*

He huffed and grumbled...and wished for another shot of Sake...and yet, he found that watching this woman dance was calming his troubled mind in ways that didn't feel forced.

The petals followed Sakura's movements and floated out towards the crowd as she moved her arms in elegant ballet gestures and danced a tranquil little dance. As the dancing got more animated the petals suddenly floated around Hizashi who looked like a deer caught in headlights as the petals lingered on him a lot longer than most, getting the crowd to murmur before Sakura giggled and amusingly made the petals hop like a skipping stone inches over the heads of those who dared to murmur. The petal hopping appeared random but if you were looking down from above the outline of the petals as they hopped from head to head around the room took on the shape of a sakura flower. Hizashi's green eyes widened slightly when the petals final destination was Kitsune.

The petals swarmed around her head and took the shape of a closed sakura blossom before elegantly blooming into a beautiful flower. Then one by one the petals traveled down around her body in a serpentine spiraled dance before taking on the shape of her three missing fox tails to complete the set of nine. Ena and Aishi giggled as Kurenai looked at Sakura with a smirking shake of her head in amusement.

*Your as bad of a tease as the other two Sakura. But at least your gentle in your approach unlike the other two.*

Her eyes glanced at the smiling giggling Ena and Aishi while Akemi simply smiled.

Hizashi actually smirked as he thought. *Well that's humorous. At least she's found a group of likeminded colleagues to confide with.*

His mind immediately realized what he just thought and contradicted that thought, with frustration.

*Wait—no why am I thinking this? She told them about us! I Should Be Pissed Off By That! I Should Be Furious Even—I...*

Instead of believing that thought for what it the true feelings of his heart, and yet of his mind suddenly faltered as he realized.

*I should be furious...So—why aren't I?* His heart knew the answer to that question while his mind refused to accept it as truth.

The true innermost feelings of his heart was, that despite everything that happened between them and even after all those years—he still loved her.

He then suddenly realized what was going on and frowned at the woman in pink.

*Dammit she's in cohorts with the other two! She's just gentle with the approach.*

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now