Chapter 263: The not so sweet

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Hayato made it back to his apartment, with a possible suspect and was only snapped out of his trance by his realization that the front door was unlocked. He didn't hear Muffin or Miyu. His eyes widened and his face paled.

*Oh, hell, please don't tell me...!*

He panicked and slammed the door open, just for his panic and shock meter to fully hit 100%!

His dead girlfriend was leaning against the counter, smiling at him. She smiled at him.

"Honey! I'm so glad to see you!"

Hayato was paralyzed, unable to return Mizuki's excited hug as she ran over and jumped on him. He was hallucinating yep had to be hallucinating.

"Mizuki... I-I convinced myself you were... dead...months ago." He stated in awe, still staring straight at where he first saw her.

Mizuki giggled. "Nah, silly! I told you I'd be back! I'm sorry it took so long..." She pinched his cheek but then put on a guilty puppy dog look for the apology.

The gears in Hayato's head finally started turning again. Panic set in.

*Muffin's not here? She got out! Where's Miyu? Oh God Where's Miyu?!*

He grabbed Mizuki by her shoulders and held her at arm's length. He started off delicately.

"Mizuki...where is Miyu...?" It wasn't a question.

"Who?" Mizuki looked away and twirled a lock of her blond hair with a innocent grin.

This was bullshit. She hadn't changed-he could still tell she was lying straight through her teeth.

Miyu wouldn't leave him after he told her not to...after they went out on that date...after their first kiss...after he told her he loved her and she reciprocated those feelings with a night of passion that would be burned into his brain like her beautiful moaning against his ear as he took her into heaven!


He clenched his hands into shaking fists. Miyu wasn't like that she wouldn't leave for no reason, and where the Hell was his little Muffin?!

He tried to control his temper, but his tone turned serious.

"Where is she? The woman I live with. She stays home while I'm at work but you are the only person here. Also where is my little Muffin. I know she never liked you so, tell me...Where Is My Cat Mizuki?"

Mizuki pouted and tried to grab her past boyfriend again, whispering words of flirty jealousy and endearment. He pushed her away. Her cobalt blue eyes flashed, furiously as he snarled at her.

"What Did You Do Mizuki???"

"Me? What the Hell are you doing with some freaking whore!? I told you that I'll be gone for a while and yet you find yourself a stand-in for the meantime? What kind of boyfriend does something shitty like that!?

That was it, Hayato lost his patience for his concern over Miyu. He had enough and was worried about the woman he truly loved. He lashed out like a wild animal trying to protect its mate.

"You can't just leave and expect everything to be the same! For me to be the same! Do you know what I've been through? All the beer bottles I drank in bars alone until I was black out drunk from the grief? I LOVED YOU! Your own family pronounced you DEAD after a couple of MONTHS!" He looked down with tears streaming down his face as he balled his hands into tightly shaking fists.

"You told me you loved me Mizuki but we've played this game over and over again. I've had it! I'm done with this stupid game Mizuki! I can't believe you never once considered contacting me. To tell me you were even still alive how could you even think that I wouldn't have moved on-!"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now