Chapter 356: The Battle of Love

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The lights turned off and Aishi's voice spoke.

"Prepare yourselves."

The moment the lights turned on the audience was greeted by the sight of Shota sitting on his knees upon the stage with his head bowed in prayer.

Aishi was standing by the stairs her voice carried as battle music started to play. Ena made it lightly snow.

A warrior's life is bound to his blade
Without a strong conviction the warrior has no meaning
His fallen friend and family are long since slain
By bloodstained blades
To live is to be haunted by the memories
To die is to inflict an even worse pain
So he fights to uphold the memories
Of all those he couldn't save

He reaches for his katana and slowly stands and straps it to his hip. His eyes are still closed as he shifts and quickly pulls out his katana and performs rather advanced sword fighting techniques against an unseen opponent.

Without conviction behind his blade
It will snap out of a weak resolve
His skills are paralleled by only one other
The beautiful princess of the night
His dearest wife Akemi Kurohime...

Shota yelled and leapt into a butterfly leap and landed with his katana poised behind his back and other hand in front of him in a block pose. He then proceeded in spinning the katana within his hand before yelling in a chant that is almost ritualistic as he spun and slashed, stabbed, ducked, and blocked at enemies blades that weren't even there.

He fights with such intensity in his soul
Unyielding in his quest to serve and protect
Neglecting his own heart
For the sake of protecting a hundred villages

Shota was impressive Hizashi's only seen him spar with wooden training weapons with Hitoshi and the students during combat class on the basics of weapons evasion 101.

Fighting brings him purpose
Without a purpose he's like a dull iron blade
But if he continues down this path of blind conviction
He'll die and end up buried in a shallow grave.

Shota was growing more intense by the second yelling wrathfully as he performed a fierce overhead killing strike and waited in a intense pose before twisting the blade to silence the dying breaths of the imaginary enemy he killed.

He was panting as he pulling back. He then pretended to wipe the imaginary blood off his blade before placing it back in the scabbard. Everyone noticed Akemi slowly walking up onto the stage.

 Everyone noticed Akemi slowly walking up onto the stage

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Aishi spoke softly.

The princess of night
Akemi Kurohime
A beauty rivaling that of a goddess
To lose her convictions is to let her beloved die
A fate she refuses to see tonight
As he's become blinded by the fears of failure
He can not distinguish friend from foe
The reports she's gotten from neighboring villages
Has chilled her to the bone

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now