Chapter 314: "I will be here for you Akemi..."

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Akemi woke up to Shota sleeping beside her. She blushed brightly over the closeness and frowned upon seeing dried tear stains on his face. She reached out to touch his cheek but hesitated and retracted her hand.

Shota woke up and smiled softly with a slight pained look in his eyes, that didn't go unnoticed by Akemi. It was a look of a sudden reminder of what happened to his wife.

He smiled softly despite the dull ache of his heart. "Hey."

Akemi blushed and looked away. "Hi...Shota."

"I'll go find the nurse to get you discharged from the hospital. Your clothes are folded on the bedside table. After I bring the nurse and she approves that your ready to be released you can change and we'll go get something to eat."

He softly kissed her forehead. Akemi blushed and smiled softly over the warmth of his lips on her skin.

He got up, stretched, and smiled softly as he headed towards the door. "I'll be back Akemi. We'll go home soon I promise."

Akemi nodded and sighed heavily the moment he closed the door. She stared out the window and tried to remember something...anything, but got nothing. She frowned in sorrow.

The moment he returned with a old woman, she was instantly met with the sad gaze of that older woman. "Don't worry dearie...your memories will return to you in time. For now, you can make knew ones."

Akemi nodded. "I—"

*But I don't wanna make knew memories I want my old ones...*

"I'm ready to go home. Can I leave yet?"

"Yes you can leave dearie."

"Thank you."

The old nurse left with a comforting side-eyed glance with Shota who whispered.

"Thank you Chiyo."

Recovery Girl smiled softly. "It'll be okay Shota."

The door closed and Akemi got up and grabbed her clothes only to notice Shota was standing nearby. She blushed.

"Uhhh Shota..."

"Yes what is it?" He was at her side in an instant. Akemi's heart fluttered over his devotion, but ultimately blushed.

"Ummm do you mind giving me privacy. It's's going to take me some time getting used to everything, and, well..."

Shota's eyes widened. "Oh...uh yes, of course...I'll just wait outside." He hastily left and closed the door. Akemi giggled softly.

She dressed in silence for some reason she didn't question why she didn't have any shoes. Of course she had no idea why? And what were these long strips of white cloth for. She walked over the the door and peeked out.

"Uhhh Shota...what are the white cloths for?"

Shota smiled softly as the ache in his heart hurt a little over her innocent spoken question that drove another wedge in his heart.

"I'll help you with that."

She sat on the medical bed as Shota walked over with the wrappings. He helped wrap her arms and the palms of her hands. "They're for Martial Arts fighting and are used to protect your hands and feet."

"Oh...I like them they're not so constricting." She smiled brightly and Shota eyes shined with hope for her memories return.

He then knelt and looked up. "Do you, want me to wrap up your feet and legs?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt