Chapter 307: "Genkaku wants to teamup...Akemi we should be worried."

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Later that evening...

The students were all lounging in the common room with the Aizawa family. Eri was enthusiastically telling everyone who wasn't at the dormitory that day about her tea party. Bakugo and Kirishima sat on the couch with embarrassment evidently clear on their red faces once Eri described their outfits.

"Why were we the only ones wearing silly outfits? That pink sun hat on Mister Aizawa wasn't nearly as silly as our outfits."

"Damn squirt is abusing that smile of hers to get us to do whatever she wants..."

"We should've been immune to that! Especially after having Emiko here long before Eri arrived..."

Shota laughed. "Ha! I find myself saying the same's futile to ignore. Besides I like seeing her smile."

Suddenly Shota's phone buzzed. He took it out and read the mission request. Everyone watched as his previous grin faded fast. He didn't say a word, instead he held the phone out to Akemi's face. He was pale faced with a look of dread.

Akemi read it and hummed. "A team up with the Interrogation Core...interesting?" She then read further. "I know my father's been helping them crack down on this case for two months now. He said Genkaku was driving him up a wall to get a throughly detailed layout of this asylum validated by someone who could actually 'see through walls'. Father said that if somebody didn't validate the layout soon then Genkaku would soon find out how to properly tie his straight jacket while being muzzled like a dog."

She smirked. "Looks like he finally got that validation that's great for my father's sanity at least."

" the tiny print. Bottom corner, right hand side."

Akemi peered at the mission leader at the bottom of the mission request. "Oh..." she arched a brow, "and you find a problem with that particular part of this mission Shota?"

"Akemi," Shota hissed with his wide eyed gaze. "Genkaku's leading this mission. Just him. No Kurotama. He's the one in charge here! I really don't know what Nobuyuki and Kurotama must be thinking to have agreed to allow him the leadership role! Wherever I hear that Genkaku wants to team up..." Akemi gave him a look and Shota was gave a quick retort. "Akemi! We-Should-Be-Worried!"

Akemi smirked and patted his cheek. "I think you have the role of Demon babysitter covered quite well darling."

Bakugo spoke. "Hold up! The Demon Spawn wants the two of you to team up with him on a mission...and Mr. Yuriemoto and Mr. Mevius Cigarette actually agreed to that?"

Akemi smirked over Kurotama's nickname. Mevius cigarettes are a Japanese brand of cigarettes. Shota turned towards Bakugo with the face of dread and solemnly nodded.

Akemi rolled her eyes, stood up, and sighed as she dragged a still pale faced Shota towards their bedroom by the use of her hair so they could change into their hero outfits.

"Yes, they did Bakugo, and it's not a suicide mission Shota! Seriously you fought a freaking Nomu and the Three Villans from your own nightmarish past!"

"Technically you fought those three...I wasn't even the one to land the final blow that goes to Hizashi and the burial by two tons of earth. Same goes for the Nomu that's all Toshinori."

"That's not what I meant Shota!" Akemi opened the door and roughly shoved Shota inside before entering and closing the door on the faces of their concerned and intrigued students.

Shota glared at Akemi before she shushed him. "Get dressed Shota." He scoffed as she smirked playfully and bumped his hip in passing. They changed in silence and when they headed out towards the entry door of course their students followed. Shota was still pale faced as he kissed Eri and Emiko's foreheads before hugging Hitoshi tightly. The man was acting as if this was to be his final battle.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now