Chapter 237: Seeing Red

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I love this chapter.

Here's an introspective look into the a concept I created for this story surrounding the unique formation of the co-joining agencies that make the Underground Hero's.

And how Shota's Grandfather Erasure influenced Nobuyuki to start it all.

Also a special appearance of Shota's father Pro Hero, Mindreader...being a total Badass to protect his wife and his unborn baby Shota!!! 🥰

Nobuyuki flashback part 1

Nobuyuki sighed as he told his story to his daughter while holding his little sleeping granddaughter close to his chest.


Nobuyuki was frantic running through the streets towards a nightclub. *HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID TO LET HER LEAVE? I HAVE TO STOP HER! TO FIX EVERYTHING BEFORE I END UP LOSING HER FOREVER!!!*

He was suddenly joined by Mindreader who had followed in his mentor Erasure's footsteps in the unnerving art of silent stealth.

The black eyed, Super Sayan haired man was looking like he was running as if he were a member of the Iida family! The normally logical thinking, even toned man, spoke towards him in an unnaturally urgent and stressful tone of voice.

"Titanium Whip calm down you idiot and breathe will you?! Your not the only one whose wife is in danger of dying here!"

Nobuyuki's slate grey eyes widened as he ran in pace with Mindreader who was looking straight ahead as they jumped the span of an alleyway onto another rooftop before seeing the skylight of the single story nightclub about a block away.

"What...oh God don't tell me?" Nobuyuki cursed under his breath as they jumped to another rooftop. "You are not serious Mindreader?!"

Mindreader spoke logically with a stern frown on his face as he continued staring ahead at the oncoming skylight.

"I was given the same file as you remember? We were both recommended for this mission. And like you I have also been dealing with an angry hormonal wife for two months!"

"I know that but seriously you didn't think of reading her-?"

Mindreader finally turned to him with his naturally gravity defying black hair waving violently to show off his anger as he snarled at the man who dared to ask him that vile question.

"I made the solemn vow the day I married her to never do that without her approval. So no I didn't read her mind! Now Come On They Have No Idea What Their Up Against!"

He then spoke with a offhanded grumble of irritation. "And like you could stop an angry hormonal woman who can literally make herself vanish from your sight with a mere blink of her eyes?"

"Good point, but you're wife's two months pregnant mines not, and Manami can easily paralyze me with her stingray barbs!"

Mindreader blinked. "Wait you mean she hasn't...? Oh you are a dense one Yuriemoto! Did it never occur to you that your wife is also expecting a child?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now