Chapter 270: An Insurmountable Death Count

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Hayato woke up the next morning practically glowing. He had such a dorky grin on his face as he remembered their first attempt at having a baby...a baby!

He instantly closed his eyes imagining all the future moments with Miyu as his wife with a child of their own...his joyful face then darkened over the horrible trauma his beloved was forced to bare because of that alleyway scumbag. *Ryoto...that's his name.*

He opened his eyes, sighing softly as he refocused on the lightness of his heart over the joy he was feeling before the moment was derailed. He then groaned softly as his thoughts were being a mood breaker with that stupid logical fallback strategy of his. *Perhaps we shouldn't have been so hasty...we're not even married yet. And right after hearing something that horrible I really feel like I overstepped a few boundaries in my boldness but...she didn't seem to be against me or the thought of a family...I'm overthinking this aren't I?*

He blinked in realization and sighed. *And I'm talking to myself again...I better not be going crazy.*

A soft voice jogged him out from his mental musing. " warm."

He turned to his right and his eyes softened over the woman currently using him as a body pillow. Miyu looked so peaceful but then he noticed her grimacing and fidgeting within her sleep.

"'s Hayato? You're Not Hayato! lying bastard! My baby has to be his! Give Me My Baby You Monster!!!"

He reacted quickly and gently kissed her cheek softly until she was comforted by his touch and groggily opened her eyes. "Hayato...?"

"Are you okay Sweetness?"

She yawned. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

Hayato knew this tactic all to well. He spoke casually as if it was nothing of dire importance, just to see if she'd get the hint. "It's just that you were mumbling in your sleep..."

"Oh...I was hoping you didn't hear that."

"Miyu, you had a nightmare, about you having a baby, not only that but a-a baby that wasn't mine...I heard you Sweetness."

She gasped sharply and was now crying against his bare chest as he held her. "Miyu it's okay...a lot happened yesterday and it manifested itself into a nightmare. That's kinda normal for me."

She held her stomach shaking and he spoke in an attempt to soothe her. "Miyu...Sweetness it was a dream, it wasn't real. Our baby is going to be our baby. Any man who touches you like that...I'll personally castrate them."

Miyu giggled and then sighed heavily as he kissed her cheek. "You-you really want this? Even though we're not married yet?"

He blushed softly and spoke as he joined his hand over hers. "Absolutely Miyu. I love you darling I don't care if we conceive a baby now or after the wedding. I only know that I want you to be the mother."

He kissed her lips softly with a smile. Miyu smiled softly as he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the shower. "Come on we both stink and I know a shower will help with any other fears...and afterwards I'll make us some breakfast."

She smiled softly and kissed his lips as he set her down so he could start the shower.

"I love you Hayato."

He smirked as he turned and picked her up again. "You sure? I am still at 100% scoundrel after all? You sure you can trust me?"

"Maybe...if he chooses to behave, and fights to keep his scoundrel count down below sixty. If he can manage that then I can reward him with those honey glazed pancakes he so desperately loves."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now