Chapter 293: The Morning After...

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Shota woke up to Akemi against his chest and he smiled lovingly as she cuddled against him. He sighed softly and kissed her temple before expertly sliding out of bed to shower, dress, and wake up his daughters.

Emiko was snoozing peacefully in her crib only to fidget and yawn sleepily at her smiling daddy as he picked her up.


"Sorry sweetie but it's morning and I wanna make your mommy a special breakfast. I could use some help from my two sweet little girls. Think you can help Baba?"

Emiko gave him an amusing half-awake gaze. She lazily blinked her eyes with a lazy open mouth expression before giving him her best sleepy grin. He smirked softly as he turned to the pocket door as it opened. He turned to see Eri in her baby blue nightgown with her Zawacorn held lazily in her right hand. She had a horrendously adorable case of bed-head.

She rubbed the sleep from her left eye and spoke with a wide yawn. "Morning Daddy."

"Morning Eri let's give you and your little sister a bath before mommy wakes up."

"What time is it?"

Shota blinked then looked at the clock. Then blushed in embarrassment over the time...5:00am.

"Uhhh—early—sorry sweetie..."

Eri shrugged and merely walked towards the bathroom for a bath. Emiko was quiet this time around. The moment her Baba said 'special' and 'Mama' in the same sentence she knew she had to be extra quiet. Shota changed Emiko into a cute teal colored dress with white bows on it and matching stretchy shoes. Eri dressed into the outfit she wore for the cultural festival before they headed towards the larger common room kitchen.

While Eri was content with eating her cereal, Shota was trying to think of something to cook for his wife that he wouldn't ultimately burn.

Emiko peered up at her daddy as she tugged on the fabric of his pants leg. Her eyes glittered with excitement as she removed one hand from behind her back and produced a white egg.

"Egg," she said simply, but there was a strong insistence in her voice as if this egg was the only egg in the world.

Shota stared down at his one year old daughter as he bent down to her eye level. "Very well. I shall try to make your mama the best sunny side up egg, if not sunny side up then scrambled."

"Egg!" she said again, this time with a bright smile on her face.

Shota plucked the egg from Emiko's small grasp and walked over to the stove where he placed the egg down on the countertop. Emiko followed after him on her short toddler legs but pouted when she couldn't see what he was doing. Shota smirked and grabbed her high chair so she could get a better view.

He turned on the stove as he placed a medium-sized pan on top. He waited patiently as the pan heated up before drizzling oil in the center. As the oil heated and made a slight popping noise, he took the egg and cracked it against the side of the pan before letting the yolk fall gently to the center of the pan. The yolk and egg white made contact with the oil and it sizzled in a way that pleased Emiko greatly.

Shota smiled as he ruffled Emiko's soft wisps of black hair. Her eyes were wide with curiosity, as if she was studying the art of cooking eggs. Shota could swear he could see the gears in Emiko's mind turning as her onyx black eyes darted back and forth from the pan and up at him. Her like mouth formed into a small gasp of wonder.

A couple seconds passed over Shota constantly checking to see if his lack of culinary skills would ruin this egg or not. He swiftly picked up the salt as he sprinkled a dash of salt on top of the egg yolk followed by the pepper. With a small cup of water, he poured it on the side of the pan and quickly covered the pan with the lid.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now