Chapter 256: Blind Transparency

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January 5th...memoir 125

Pro Hero: Erasure

Quirk: Cancellation

I was on call to a brutal crime. This was the fifteenth murder in fifteen weeks straight and I already knew it was the man I've been searching over three months to apprehend, yet again for over a year, ever since his first string of murders ended in blood...

I was already expecting a bloody scene once I arrived but I was not expecting to find......her.
Erasure jumped down into an alleyway only to confront a truly gruesome scene.

"By God..."

This was by far the most brutal of all the murders. Blood painted the alleyway walls and he sighed in defeat over the dead man's grizzly fate. Despite being another crime boss the death he was dealt was brutal.

Suddenly Erasure heard it, the sound of a terrified breath being taken over near a wall with a donations bin outside. A pair of discarded boots were on the ground. He spun around and stared at the box with his red eyes blaring towards a visible shadow.

What appeared was a traumatized woman in dirtied torn black clothes with a hoodie and scarf shielding everything but her red eyes. She was staring at the body with horror in her eyes. Erasure instantly realized this woman likely saw the entire murder.

He saw her outfit and his eyes widened. "Nyx."

He remembered hearing about a petty thief with the ability to vanish in the blink of an eye. All anyone ever saw, if they were lucky, was her shadow but there's barely any shadows at night... only those that appear from artificial lighting.

Because of her stealing at night she earned the nickname "Nyx". Most people who were allegedly stolen from, or are "lucky enough" to see her shadow as she makes her escape, think their hallucinating.

They see her and then they don't.

Some influential wealthy people began to become paranoid over tales of her, and whined to some big-time hero agencies.

Erasure even overheard they had left some "incentives" for her immediate capture. He scowled over those under the rug dealings. To even hear that there are pro hero's allowing those discussions to take place within their agencies inner walls was a disgrace to Erasure.

Those weren't the discussions of heroism it was the discussions of bribery and profit.

She was careless once and released her quirk while a hero had been silently tailing her. The hero managed to take a picture of her before she vanished from view. Thankfully she was wearing all black, including a hoodie, and a scarf wrapped around the lower part of her face. So, all anyone really saw from that picture was her intense red eyes.

That picture had gained her some major publicity, as the police, heroes, and media now had a lead on "Nyx". Their predictions of her quirk gave them some outlandish ideas over just how powerful her quirk could be.

She could be a true villain instead of just a pretty good thief if that was a motivation but Erasure knew differently. He had been tailing her for some time between scouting missions before that photo was in the papers.

He was irritated with the press and when he finally got ahold of a copy of that photo from the police he was determined to find out the truth.

The fact that she's a woman was thought provoking to some people since her stealthy clothing were fairly tight-fitting to her body. Erasure was more than willing to silence any remarks from any of the younger cops while drinking his dark roast coffee in the break room of the police station.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu