Chapter 198: The last song to be sung, is one of sorrow

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Fifteen years ago...

Shota Aizawa was dying. He groaned like a undead zombie as he shifted around in his bed until he heard Mr. Yamada's voice.

"Shota Aizawa Get Your Butt Out Of Bed!"

Shota whimpered before sliding off the bed with a thump of muscular limbs hidden underneath his baggy pajamas. He groaned upon the floor and somehow managed to stumble down the hallway, past Hizashi Yamada who was brushing his teeth while dancing to the music playing on his headphones. Shota wiped his snotty nose and groaned acting like he had the plague and spoke as his stuffy nose made his voice sound nasally.

"Mommmmmm...I'm dying!"

Kanaria Yamada turned away from the eggs she was cooking on the stove and spoke with a closed eyed grin of mocking amusement.

"Shota Aizawa if that's your attempt at getting out of school for the day then you'll have to try harder than..." She opened her eyes and saw the teen in his Totoro cat pajamas with a stuffy bright red nose and tired eyes that had tears in them. He was in tears because it seemed like his sinuses were pouring out of his eyes instead! As much as he tried to not go to school on most days, he downright hated being sick.

Kanaria blinked and lowered the spatula. "Oh, you are sick..."

Shota groaned and collapsed onto the couch. Hizashi walked out with his toothbrush in his mouth and mumbled. "Shota's Sick?!"

He got a pillow thrown at him by Shota. "Graaaaaa Shut Up! Head hurts, sinuses inflamed, I think I'm dying!"

Mr Yamada chuckled and lowered his glasses on the bridge of his nose. He then got a good look at the boy while finishing his morning coffee. "Yep, typical Hay-Fever. You're staying put today."

Kanaria piped up. "After I take you to the doctors first."

Shota buried himself in a blanket burrito and spoke like a five year old refusing to eat his vegetables. "Nope not going! I'll die here so tell my story."

Kanaria swatted him with an amused smirk. "You're like a five year old child whenever the doctor is mentioned."

Shota groaned and Hizashi piped up in a normal tone of voice. "Oh come on man if you don't go then you won't get well enough to see Akemi and make-out behind the trees near that pond!"

The cheeky grinning blonde had another pillow thrown at him. "Shut up Cockatoo!!!" Shota's red face made them laugh.

Breakfast was over with and Mr. Yamada patted Shota's head. "Rest up son."

He then passionately kissed his wife goodbye and smiled softly as she kissed his cheek.

"Goodbye dear, and have fun at school today Hizashi!"

"I Will See Ya Later Shota!!!"

Shota simply groaned his reply.
Shota was on sinus medicine until 9:00 o'clock when Kanaria told him to get changed and after helping him she walked him down towards the nearby medical clinic.

It took one minute and the sickness relieving quirk of a doctor and Shota was feeling better, but his head was hurting from the side effects of the man's quirk. Mainly due to the sudden removal of his sickness.

"Have him take two Aleve and rest until the headache subsides."

"Of course thank you doctor."

Shota suggested they take the long way home because he was feeling better was a decision he'd come to regret.

They were heading towards a familiar old apartment building that was going to be condemned when a voice stopped them.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now