Chapter 326: Akemi's trauma resurfaces

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Akemi was teaching everyone the basics of Angampora fighting with Shota.

"The goal is to understand the pressure points of the body and to be aware of the strength needed to make your jabs count during combat without breaking the person's bones. There is such a thing as to much pressure."

"Areas to avoid: firstly is the nerves along the spinal column. Now I know what you're thinking: "But Miss Yuriemoto didn't you jab Mister Aizawa, Class 1-A, and a handful of Pro Heroes in the lower back when Emiko was kidnapped?" My answer is, "Yes I know," but I didn't use Angampora. I used my paralysis toxins, and I didn't jab my barbs at their spine."

She smiled. "However, I can temporary use Angampora to alleviate pain in the spine. But if not done properly, or if you apply to much force, you can do more harm than good. You can easily pinch nerves and even damage the spinal cord if your not careful. That's why I recommend going to the spa for a massage or the chiropractor their professionals."

She took a breath. "Never, Ever, Jab the Pressure Point Between The Shoulder Blades! The pain your opponent will feel is similar to having a heart attack. Trust me on this, I wouldn't wish that level of pain inducing panic on anyone. It's not a pleasant experience."

She pointed to the side of her neck. "The side of the neck is most preferable for knock outs, but jabbing at the frontal trachea can also knock out your opponent, but ONLY ever use that move if your an expert in this technique...if not,  then such a move can kill if you apply to much force to the trachea."

Shota spoke up. "The pressure points you want to target are on the arms and legs." His eyes narrowed. "However, Never Aim For The Back Of The Legs! I'm sure you've all watched Karate Kid and if you haven't then watch it. Once you do then you will come to understand what I'm talking about."

Akemi spoke with a smile. "The goal of this technique is to immobilize your opponents movements. It is a defensive technique that if mastered properly can serve as an excellent means of support in combat."

Shota nodded in agreement and they both smiled brightly as innocent little Eri walked up to Mirio and jabbed him in the back of his calf. "Poke." She didn't even get the pressure point but Mirio played along with the playful intention and gasp before dramatically crumpling to the ground proclaiming.

"Man down Man down! Midoriya, Tell My Story!"

Midoriya laughed until his sides hurt as Eri giggled behind her hands. Mirio laughed happily along with the entire school over seeing Eri looking so happy.

Hitoshi smiled brightly and then asked. "Hey mom, dad, you think you can give us a proper demonstration?"

Akemi smiled. "Of course!"

Shota smirked knowingly. "No using your quirk dear."

"You know I wouldn't!"

Before she realized it he attacked and jabbed her up her right arm. "You have to react quickly dearest!" Akemi quickly shoved him away with her other hand and to everyone's surprise she was on the defensive. Shota was surprised by this and instead of stopping to register the reasonings behind that, he smirked playfully and commented. "Your letting me get the upper hand on you? That's so unlike you my dear..." Akemi jabbed his arm but it was rushed and sloppy something he summed up as her body not remembering the proper movements after a week of no practice.

"Your movements are sloppy my dear...remember," Shota smirked playfully as he succeeded in sweeping her legs out from under her. "You have to be quick if you hope to survive." Akemi fell and landed falling backwards until she bonked the back of her head against the hard ground.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now