Chapter 362: Kurenai's first day at U.A.

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Kurenai woke up to seeing Hizashi wide awake with the slightest hint of dark circles under his bright green eyes.

She turned to face him but moved wrong and winced holding onto her side. A warm hand covered hers as a concerned voiced whispered softly against her left ear. "Kit?"

"I'm fine. I just moved wrong. I'll definitely be going to Recovery Girl after breakfast."

She then looked at him and gently caressed his cheek. "Are you okay? I didn't keep you up with worries about my stitches ripping open did I?"

"No I'm fine, I just had a hard time falling asleep is all, and then I had a little late night chat with Shota."

" is he?"

"Better now." He smiled softly and spoke as he got up. "Come on let's get you ready for your first day at U.A.!"

Breakfast was a torrent of questions and laughter over Emiko's antics with not wanting to wear her clothes.

Later on before school officially started. Recovery Girl healed as much as she felt was needed to avoid discomfort for Kurenai.

"Okay dearie you're taking to the healing process very well, but no heavy lifting or fighting."

"Understood. Thanks Chiyo."

Chiyo turned and pointed her syringe cane at Hizashi. "Watch her boy and make sure those rowdy kids don't aggravate her to much."

"I know, I know, I've got it. Come on Kurenai."

They walked down the quiet halls. "Uh Zashi what exactly will I be doing?"

"Well you'll be helping me with my English class. Shota also gave the idea to combine All Mights hero combat class with Akemi's class, but in a way so you can teach!"

Kurenai arched a brow as they walked. "Okay, you've lost me, how can I teach combat if I can't fight?"

"Your not going to be fighting. You'll be teaching espionage, or more specifically how to not get themselves killed."

"Seriously Zashi?"

"Oh come on you're great with this! You have the most experience!"

"As A Performer! I'm Not A Spy! You Want A Spy Ask Shota!"

Hizashi gave her the look. With his downward tilting chin, upward facing eyes, and right eyebrow arched. "Kurenai your an undercover hero, working as a performer, to gain important intelligence from unsuspecting mafia bosses. Your a spy."

Kurenai pouted with a huff as her ears lowered against her hair. "I prefer to be called performer..."

Hizashi smirked and rolled his eyes. "Still so sensitive about that huh?"

Her pouting grow into a pushed out lower lip and childlike whine. "Yes..."

"We'll be happy because your first class is English, with this guy!" He was comedically pointing to himself with a humorous grin.

Kurenai smirked and silenced what would've been a snorting laughter with the use of sarcasm in her voice as she dramatically rolled her eyes.

"Yay, I'm sooo relieved..."

Hizashi gave a deadpanned gaze. "Not funny."

He heard Shota's tired droning. "Bakugo quiet down will ya? I've had a rough night. Besides English is about to start and I would like to see you all be..."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now