Chapter 279: To be the Best

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Shota was snickering despite trying not to while his students and Eri laughed over his father's misfortune.

Sero laughed. "He punched his future father in-law in the face! Oh man, talk about an awkward conversation when asking for his blessing."

Bakugo huffed. "He'd be better off eloping."

Kirishima spoke. "Like Erasure would allow that to happen Bakugo."

Kaminari snickered. "I know just imagine it..." He then acted out the scene with comedy seeping through his voice. "Hey Erasure, Sir, I know I punched you in the face that one time...granted I thought you were a burglar, but may I have your daughters hand in marriage? Oh and please don't kill me because if you say no, we're eloping!"

That got the others laughing until their sides hurt. Eri giggled. "Your so silly Kaminari!"

Shota turned his head towards Kaminari and smirked as he propped his feet up onto the coffee table while holding Emiko close to his chest.

"That's not how it went at all Kaminari, but that sure would've made my grandfather laugh. My father however...would've wrapped you up in the capture bindings and hung you up like a spiders next meal from the telephone lines."

Kaminari gulped.

Shota smirked while chuckling. "Anyway, I almost felt sorry for my dad when I read that tidbit in my grandfathers memoir...well I did say almost."

Eri gently tugged on his pants leg. "Daddy when did they fall in love?"

"Well they didn't start dating until they were much older but according to Nobuyuki and Manami they flirted a lot during their time here! My dad was always to shy to say anything to her regarding romantic relationships. I would've loved to have seen my dad's face when my mom decided to change her hero outfit and dye the ends of her hair rose pink! Hearing it doesn't nearly do it enough justice as actually seeing it!"

Osamu was fighting every urge to not be a pervert, but dammit why did her hero outfit have to be so form fitting? The all black sleek one piece outfit was mostly black with tints of pink dusted along the fabric like a cloud. A silver utility belt rested low on her hips. Her belt had a hoard of handcuffs and two metal knuckles.

A sixteen year old Yuina was bitting her bottom lip as she shifted her feet while wearing her feminine high-heeled black combat boots.

"Well, how do I look?"


"Well yeah it's pink! But what kind of pink? Come on you know, it's my favorite color besides black!"

"Uhhh...Rose pink?"

"Ha I could tell you were picking your brain apart for the answer!"

"Was Not!"

"Was To!"

"Well At Least I Didn't Read Your Mind!"

"Only Because You Promised Me You Wouldn't!"

"And You're Still Annoying!"

"Well Your Still A Jerk!"

They were both smirking as they bantered back and forth like a game of chicken. Manami sighed. Nobuyuki groaned over the obvious hints Yuina was giving Osamu that went right over his head.

*God he's so clueless. Even I know that rose pink represents young and innocent love.*

"I...I'm not a jerk..." He looked away and pouted. Yuina punched Osamu playfully in the arm. "More like a big baby."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now