Chapter 311: "I dont do well when I'm pushed around."

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Akemi ran out of the hallway into what looked like a open courtyard plaza. She didn't stop and leapt over the railing onto the cold concrete floor of the plaza three stories down. A gunshot rang out as she quickly rolled into and crouched position. She snarled over the man standing in front of her. Her eyes locked on the smoking gun barrel within his left hand.

He spoke. "So, you got past Shinigami? Interesting..." His eyes narrowed darkly. "I've trained him better than that."

Akemi wasted no time and charged yelling a battle cry as she did a flying hook kick knocking the gun out of his hand and far from his reach. The man smirked. "Your fast aren't you Hero?" He grabbed her leg as she performed another leaping kick. He spun her around and flung her towards a wall.

Akemi hummed, *He's strong...* as she spun around in the air and used her hair to anchor her to the curved walls seventy feet on either side of her body. As her feet contacted the wall behind her she used the momentum of her impressive leg strength and flexibility of her hair to sling shot herself at the man as he attempted to retrieve his gun.

Akemi landed a punch and the man hit the floor with a cringeworthy thud. He stood up and started laughing maniacally. "Is that the best you can do Hero?"

Akemi had to wrap up her bloody knuckles when she finally noticed that he was wearing a red Oni mask, it was made of rather hard dense wood.

She tied the wrappings and glared at the man as he spoke.

"Not going to use your quirk Harionago?"

Akemi charged into another kick and proceeded in a martial arts brawl.

"Well, aren't you tenacious."

Akemi wasn't giving him the pleasure of continuing as she punched him in the region no man should ever be punched.

"That's for Genkaku you bastard."

She then kneed him in the stomach. As he stumbled away from her she did a spinning side kick sending him slamming a foot away into the concrete floor.

Right before she was about to charge again a boney digit suddenly embedded into the floor. The digit flew just two inches from the tip of her nose. Akemi instantly turned her intense blood red gaze upward, towards the third floor hallway where there was the wrap around platform connecting all the different levels together by stairs. She saw Shinigami standing against the railing with rage in his grey eyes.


Akemi frowned and spoke. "I'm not your enemy Shinigami..."

He raised both his hands and shot his boney finger digits at her like a gun. This kid has some impressive aim. Akemi was forced to use her hair as a shield while formulating a battle plan. She spoke, "Sorry kid but your going to have to come down to our level."

She used her hair to ensnare Shinigami's hoari and pulled him down towards the floor. She was cushioning the speed of his fall substantially with her quirk, but then everything changed. It was only a half a second of distraction over Shinigami's safety for a boot to slam into her stomach. Akemi was sent crashing into the wall before collapsing onto her knees. She was breathless the moment she heard an agonizing scream.


She instantly sat up in horror as her eyes zeroed in on Shinigami laying upon the floor screaming in severe pain.

His arm was badly broken.

Akemi was horrified. Then...she heard the man laughing hysterically as he mocked her reaction to Shinigami's pain.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now