Chapter 366: Something wicked this way comes

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Enjoy learning about the truth behind the greatest sin made by Lord Himuro...

And in learning the true story behind the Demonic entity that the Himuro family were so desperate to contain...

At the Sly Fox...

Genkaku was surprised to get a cellphone call from Kurotama but the moment the man explained everything to him Genkaku (alongside the Demon) had spent over two hours in a heartfelt talk with his "mom".

Genkaku smiled softly over the kiddos progress with their quirks.

"Take care you two...I'll be back to causing mayhem for you soon old man." Hearing Kimika's laughter over Kurotama's dramatic groan made Genkaku feel infinitely better about his past actions during that horrific day.

After the Demon put in his own version of a comforting pep talk into the conversation and a few short words of praise regarding the kiddos, they both hung up the phone.

With a heavy sigh Genkaku sat back on Kurenai's daybed sofa and with his right leg propped up onto the cushions and bent at an angle to allow him to him his arm against his knee. He removed the head covering and stared out the window towards the temple. He let his mind wander as the Demon started to hum an old familiar tune.

Genkaku arrived at the Himuro Mansion and he immediately created 85 clones and they all entered the Mansion by crashing through the windows while singing a haunting song.

Genkaku's actual voice sang the main lyrics to a song that strangely helped to calm himself down from going on a rampage as he rapidly speed walked down the halls.

"Something wicked this way comes..."

He could see all the men who were in the way of his clones had trembling hands reaching for their guns. He grinned darkly and sang.

"Trembling hands black out the sun..."

The clones were less than merciful.

"They don't sleep, you better run..."

He grinned as the clones chased after and caught the men before knocking them out cold.

"Something wicked this way comes."

He had clones lurking up on the rafters singing the haunting tune as the terrified men tried to flee from him as he walked into the Mansion's halls.


More clones appeared behind him and ran passed him acting like they were zombies from WWZ in their wild running before attacking his enemies while singing that echoing song.

(Who's at the door?)
(Who's at the door?)
(Who's at the door?)

There was a rhythmic banging that was caused by one of his clones banging his fists on the main entryway door with a maniacal laugh. The Demon was all about theatrics when it came to scaring his enemies.

(Who's at the door?)
(Who's at the door?)
(Who's at the door?)

As the terrified screams of his enemies entered into his ears the Demon caused Genkaku to smirk as he stepped over the unconscious body of a knocked out thug and sung.

"Shadows rise where angels fall..."

He eyed the walls of ancient bloodied hand prints and knew that the legends of this place were true.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt