Chapter 302: The Story Of Osamu and Yuina Aizawa

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Hitoshi's Legacy Paper
Part 6
Genkaku's Demon says, "Shush it's story time!"

Hitoshi sighed softly and spoke. "Osamu Aizawa...a jerk, a genius, a lonely boy, a friend, a husband, and devoted father."

He looked up and smiled. "Those are the words his wife Yuina Aizawa wrote down in a memoir about her husband. They started out as bitter rivals but...over time Yuina got to see him for who he was. As a teenager taking care of his ailing mentally ill mother who worked within the Interrogation Core with her Mind-reading Quirk."

Tōru Kurotama bowed his head in remembrance. Kimika placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Osamu's mother was like an older sister to him at the agency.

"Osamu was a hard working young man. He learned to eat fast, pre-prepped meals, curtesy of Erasure's grueling training, and slept whenever he could get the chance. Always deciding to work harder rather than anything else. Just to prove himself to those who saw his potential and fought for him to achieve his dreams. To say that they were right about him. That being said, he did not see romance as anything necessary in his life growing up. In his eyes he took care of himself just fine without the added strain of a relationship."

"It's too much trouble, why even bother? I don't need to concern myself with something that's beneath me."

Hitoshi smirked. "Those were the words he often said whenever the other boys in junior high talked about the girls they liked and asked him if he had any preference, or if he was simply to stupid to not notice that he had a hoard of fangirls trailing after him."

"Making friends was also seen as a hinderance and because of that mindset he was a jerk to many people back then. He had placed an extraordinary amount of pressure on himself and his attitude had turned sour whenever anybody questioned him. Well anybody who wasn't his mother. Yuina managed to see through his facade of indifference and soon enough they became friends. Of course they bantered a lot during their time at U.A. Nobuyuki and Manami both were tempted to lock them in an escape room for them to confess their feelings..."

Nobuyuki laughed. "Darn right boy! Why they were so hopeless!" He slapped his knee and laughed. "Then again the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree, right Shota?" He smirked at a red face Shota Aizawa suddenly burying his face deep within his capture scarf.


Nobuyuki and Genkaku both died from laughter along with Hizashi. The Kurotama's chuckled. Manami giggled at her son-in-law's expense.

"Now Erasure...Osamu was honestly surprised and slightly terrified to find out his favorite hero was Yuina's dad. Hayato was the definition for and overprotective dad. While Miyu was—well...let's just say that she's her own category of overprotectiveness. Mainly through the ancient art of motherly intimidation."

Akemi covered her mouth to keep herself from chortling in a fit of laughter.

"The day everything changed for them was..." Hitoshi glanced at Nobuyuki before quickly looking down at his feet and gulped. "Was during an unexpected fight with an earthquake villain when they were 20 years old..."

He could feel Nobuyuki's eyes staring at him. He tensed when he heard the man's voice.

"Go on Hitoshi...I'll be alright. His sacrifice saved their lives. I want these gutter-punks to know what he did to save my friends."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now