Chapter 271: Where I Belong

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Shota was doing his rounds today. He was mostly making sure that his students were actually taking some initiative in their assignments. Most were cooped up in their rooms, typing furiously and not without some mild whining over the internet giving them everything that they didn't need.

He wasn't surprised over the amount of pillows and books thrown at his face by his students. They weren't shy about telling him to 'stop being nosy' and that 'they don't need his help' he always laughed.

Despite the pillow and book assaults he was pleased that they were taking this seriously. Shota knocked on the door only slightly curious about the muffled voices coming from Midoriya's room that wasn't the boy's voice. He opened the door and immediately knew who Midoriya was writing his paper on when he saw a tearful Mirio and Toshinori with his arms around them both in supportive hug. Both boys looked tearfully at him and he nodded sorrowfully at them and commented for Midoriya to keep up the good work before closing the door.

He decided to check on Bakugo.

Bakugo's reaction was immediately opening the door before he could even knock and yelling at his face. "GODDDDD SERIOUSLY IF YOUR THAT BORED THEN GO ENTERTAIN ERI AND EMIKO!!! WE'RE ACTUALLY DOING OUR HOMEWORK!!! SO BE GRATEFUL!!! GOD!!!"

*BAM!!!* He got the door slammed in his face.

Shota sighed heavily and then laughed before walking away. He knew Yaoyorozu was already at the five page minimum but she was likely aiming for the maximum of ten. He knew she was taking a break from the assignment over the scent of strong tea filling his nose.

Yaoyorozu was in the kitchen, having recently finished her page five of ten and also helping Jiro by looking over her essay for basic structure and grammar mistakes. She needed tea and a sweet pastry.

She was quickly making her tea as to not disturb those writing in the common room. However everyone could hear Bakugo's angry yell. Suddenly the elevator door opened, revealing Mister Aizawa with Emiko in his arms and Eri skipping happily beside him. Hizashi Yamada was behind them with his hands in his pockets and smirking over Eri's little Rock Star jacket and fake tattoo hearts on her cheeks.

Shota sighed heavily and spoke towards Hizashi. "So what if I'm nosy? This is the first time I've ever had my entire class actually motivated to write a five to ten page paper!" He then spoke towards his students. "However keep in mind you have until Wednesday morning to finish this. So do take a break or your sentences will start to blur together."

He handed Emiko to Hizashi. "Entertain her until I return. I need to find my cat."

He left soon after. Yaoyorozu smirked softly as Emiko was trying to pop the bubbles her Uncle Zashi was blowing for her from the little bottle.

The others in the common room decided to take Shota's words to heart and took a much needed break. After a group text the others came out from their caves (rooms) to enjoy tea and little tea cakes and smile over Emiko's happy giggling.

Yaoyorozu smiled only to jump over Eri's cheerful greeting. "Hi Momo!"

It had taken considerable effort to get Eri to favour her first name instead of stumbling over Yaoyorozu.

"Hi Eri, cute rockstar outfit," she said, crouching down to the smaller girl's height.

"Thank you don't tell daddy but Emiko has a fake pink rose tattoo on her tummy..."

Yaoyorozu giggled. Ochako suddenly entered and caught the attention of everyone who noticed her.

"Ochaco what is all that?"

"Oh, I'm taking a break and doing a puzzle if you guys want to join me!"

Eri bounded over and with that, Ochako bless her soul, wasted no time building an intricate stack of what Yaoyorozu could only describe as long white beams of different shapes made of...was that paper? With a set of blueprints on the ground next to it.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now