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February 29th 2000

Harry has been acting weird all day, well, he's always weird, but this is  different weird, he's being secretive as well. Charlotte can tell that both Hermione and Ron know something, but with how many times she's begged them to tell her, they just won't budge.

But as Charlotte had a million things swirling in her head, Harry has something on his mind as well. Specially as today is the day he will be proposing to Lottie.

And to say he's nervous, would be a lie, he's fucking bricking it. He also doesn't think she knows what he's doing, but he can tell she's getting annoyed and impatient as both Hermione and Ron know and they're not telling her.

He put on his best clothes and told Ron to bring Lottie to the place they first met. King's Cross.

The family know that Harry is proposing and he's surprised Fred and George haven't blurted it out by now, considering the fact that he's planned this since after the war.

He's got the ring in his pocket and he's good to go, he just hoped everything goes smoothly as he wants it to go.

And as for Charlotte, again, Ron is taking her to King's Cross. She has no idea as to why they are going there, but she won't lie, she's excited to see what'll happen.

The twins arrive at the train station and Ron ordered her to stand in the exact place she stood on September 1st 1991. And as she's just looking around, wondering why she's here, Charlotte hears a throat being cleared.

Charlotte turned around and was met with Harry, kneeling on one knee in front of her. In his left hand, is a box with a beautiful ring placed in the middle and Lottie's hand shoots to her mouth in shock, her eyes widened and Harry started his speech.

"Charlotte Molly Weasley, this is the exact spot where we met for the first time. When I first saw you, I was in awe, not only at your beauty, but the way you carried yourself. And when we locked eyes, I could tell from that moment that you were the love of my life, it sounds a little cliché, but it's true. Throughout the years of school, I have seen you grow from an adorable and sassy girl to a beautiful and still sassy young woman, we've had our up and downs, highs and lows, but in the end, we're soulmates and no one can tell me otherwise. From blushing kids to having a beautiful baby girl, I would love to call you mine, even more than I do now, so, would you do me the honours of marrying me?"

Charlotte was in utter shock, tears slid down her cheeks and she immediately nodded. Harry smiled and got up before walking over to her and encasing her in a massive hug. Lottie sniffled and laughed as she could hear people around them clapping.

The couple got out of the hug and Harry slid the gorgeous ring on Charlotte's finger. She admired it and really couldn't believe what had just happened.

Harry wiped her tears and looked behind her, Charlotte turned and saw her mum in tears, holding their almost two year old. Lottir chuckled as Elizabeth made grabby hands towards her, so Charlotte held her close as Harry joined them.

Everyone began congratulating Charlotte and Harry and Hermione, Ginny, Fleur and Luna freaked out at the sight of the ring.

When Harry and Charlotte got home, they broke in their new bed. (A/N: wink wink, nudge nudge.)


The ring

The ring

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