•𝑺𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑯 𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹• 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 8

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It was now night time and Hermione and Charlotte were sat outside the tent in front of the small campfire, they were in silence until Lottie spoke up, expressing what has anxiously been on her mind since a couple of weeks ago.

"Mione, I think I'm pregnant." (A/N¹: Pause, before you go to complain that Charlotte might be pregnant in a war, you might've forgotten that Lily and James had Harry in a war too, so did Lucius and Narcissa with Draco, Molly and Arthur with Ron, etc. Yes, they were older, but still, the amount of comments that were saying for Lottie to kill the baby (if she is pregnant) was absurd. If you don't like that she might be pregnant, then leave, we don't want your presence on this book. Don't bother starting anymore arguments on who's Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, your negative comments will be deleted. It's my book in the first place, so, it's my decision, you have no say in it. Full stop.)

(A/N²: I'm aware that some of you are pissed off at me for saying my own opinion. IT'S A BOOK! + It's not a Y/N, so you don't really get to say whether or not you'd kill the baby or not. Yes, I know if someone gets pregnant whether it be due to r@pe, etc, and they don't want the baby due to financial problems, or simply cannot look after a baby, it's their body, so their choice. But I put the pregnancy plot in because it'd show that Charlotte is a strong character who has been through a lot. And like I previously put, if you don't like the pregnancy plot, then leave my book. The amount of times I've had arguements with readers who have nothing better to do than to judge authors or readers on their opinions/decisions is fucking ridiculous. Just stop, it's highly annoying. Also, I'm aware that a pregnancy plot is one of the tropes to a Wattpad story, but who gives a shit? It makes it more interesting.)

Hermione's head shot to Charlotte, looking shocked, she scooted closer and bombarded her with questions.

"Why do you think that? Have you missed your period? Have you had any morning sickness? Do some smells make you feel sick? Wait, that means you and Harry... GODRIC!"

Lottie immediately shushed her and she quietly apologized, Charlotte took a deep breath before explaining.

"Yes, I've missed my period, no, surprisingly not and yes. Also, yes, that means Harry and I.. Ya know."

She made a sexual gesture with her hands and Hermione gasped hitting Lottie's shoulder and asking eagerly.


Charlotte let out a little laugh and told her.

"The night of Harry's birthday, we couldn't really give him presents because we were on the run, so I decided to give him mine."

She smirked before frowning and speaking in a worried tone.

"I mean, it's great that you might be, but what if you are? We are in a war, also, how are we going to do a test?"

Charlotte hummed in thought before realising.

"I know someone, but it might be difficult."

Mione was about to ask her who, until a snap of a twig caught their attention, they immediately got up and whipped out their wands, cautiously looking around in the dark. The two ventured off into the woods and kept close to each other, there was a rustling noise and they both froze. They listened and nothing else came, so they carried on. Hermione gripped Charlotte's hand as they heard another noise.

𝑹𝒐𝒏 𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒚'𝒔 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑺𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 ⋆ Harry Potter x OCWhere stories live. Discover now