•𝑭𝑰𝑹𝑺𝑻 𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹• 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 12

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The lesson had ended and the group were walking through the courtyard, Hermione and Charlotte were behind the boys and Charlotte overheard Ron talking crap about Hermione.

"It's LeViOsA, not LeViOsAr. Honestly, she's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends."

Harry nodded in agreement and Charlotte frowns as Hermione sniffles and barges past Harry and Ron, Harry points out the obvious.

"I think she heard you."

Anger bubbles up in Charlotte's stomach and she pushes past the boys so that she is standing in front of them. Ron cowers under her glare and she starts shouting.


Ron gulps and Charlotte turns to Harry, now it's his turn to cower. Charlotte states firmly.

"And you, I expected better from you, Harry. I am so disappointed."

Harry frowns and Charlotte gives one last glare before turning on the heels of her feet. She starts to run to the girls bathroom after overhearing some girls saying that Hermione's in there crying.

Once Charlotte gets to the girls bathroom, she could hear sniffles coming from one of the closed stalls. She frowns and knocks on the door, asking softly.


Mione replies through her sniffling.

"Go away, Ron is right, I am a know-it-all and I don't have any friends."

Charlotte scoffs and asks.

"And what am I? Your next door neighbour?"

Charlotte sighs and drops down to her knees, she army crawled underneath it to see Hermione with her head in her hands. Charlotte clears her throat and Hermione looks at her surprised, she then giggles and states.

"Ew, Lottie, that is so unsanitary."

Charlotte snickered and got up so that she's facing Hermione before continuing.

"Oh well, anyway, I am your best friend. I'll always be here if you need me, I promise. Besides, you should have seen Ron's face when I shouted at him, it looked like he shat his pants."

Hermione suddenly bursts into laughter and wipes her tears away, she finally speaks after calming down.

"Oh, Lottie, you always know how to brighten someone's day."

Charlotte smiled brightly and helped Hermione up, Lottie wiped her cheeks that were wet from the tears and hugged her. Hermione wrapped her arms around Charlotte and sighed, Charlotte muttered as they broke out of the hug.

"Now, let's turn that frown, upside down."

Hermione smiled and they walked out of the stall, Charlotte froze as she realised that they were not alone, she demanded quietly so she didn't disturb the troll.

"Mione, whatever you do. Do. Not. Scream."

It seems as though Hermione did not get the message as she immediately opened her mouth and screamed.

The troll looked at the two girls and raised its massive bat, they ducked, just in time to see the bat crush the stalls. Charlotte screamed as she was hit in the back with a large piece of wood. They both fell to the ground and were covered in dust and wood. Suddenly, they heard shouts coming from the entrance.

"Lottie! Hermione!"

Oh, it's Harry and Ron, yay, they're here to save the day.

Charlotte got up and tried to drag Hermione away, but didn't hear Harry's shouts.

"Lottie, look out!"

Before she could look at Harry, Charlotte was grabbed and thrown against the wall, her head hit the wall roughly and she groaned as she fell to the floor with blood dripping down her face.

Lottie looked in front of her to see Harry jump on the troll's back, but her vision blurred until all she could see was darkness.

And as for Harry, he watched helplessly as his crush was thrown against the wall. Yes, you heard me, "crush", even though it's been a few months since Hogwarts had started, Harry had taken a liking to Charlotte, you can guarantee that James is celebrating in the afterlife.

Since he likes Charlotte so much, the amount of anger that went through him when Charlotte had been hurt, was enough to make him do something he never thought he'd do.

He jumped on its back.

Call him stupid, but he needed to do it, for Lottie's sake. Besides, it was the troll's fault for throwing her anyway.

As Harry had jumped onto its back, his wand somehow gets shoved up its nose, he cringed at the sound and held onto its neck as it started tumbling.

Suddenly, he's hanging upside down and the troll has a grip on his leg. Harry keeps dodging the bat and Ron and Hermione were talking, but Harry couldn't hear them.

However, Ron did a spell and the bat floated out of the troll's hand and came down, bumping the troll on its head. The troll drops Harry and he falls to the ground, making him groan and shuffle backwards as it sways and starts to fall towards him.

Fortunately, he didn't get crushed by the troll. Unfortunately, the professor's bustled in looking shocked at the sight. Harry quickly grabbed his wand and cringed again as it was covered in snot. He wipes it on his robe and looks at McGonagall, he thinks to himself.

Damn, she looks mad. I wonder why. Notice the sarcasm?

McGonagall exclaims in shock.

"Oh! Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!"

Ron and Harry try to let out a response, but it just turns into gibberish. Surprisingly, Hermione saved their arses.

"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall."

They all look at her shocked, Hermione Granger, the girl who hates to be told off. McGonagall asks.

"Miss Granger?"

Hermione sighed and explained.

"I went looking for the troll, I'd read about them and thought I could handle it, but I was wrong, if Lottie, Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me.. I'd probably be dead."

McGonagall looked appalled as she stated.

"Be that as it may.. it was an extremely foolish thing to do."

Harry's eyes drifted to Snape's leg and wondered.

Why is it bleeding?

Snape must have noticed that someone was staring, because he covered it up with his robe and glared at Harry. Harry zoned back in again as McGonagall continued.

"I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Miss Granger, 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. As for you two gentlemen, I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale, 5 points will be awarded to each of you, for sheer dumb luck. Now, where's Miss Weasley?"

As if they had just remembered, they looked to see Lottie lying there knocked out. Harry rushed to her and held her head in his lap, McGonagall gasped and ordered.

"Severus, if you would take Miss Weasley to the Wing. She needs to be treated, immediately."

Snape limps towards Harry, bends down and picks Charlotte up in his arms. He walks out and McGonagall speaks again.

"You three go back to your common room, you can see Miss Weasley tomorrow, off you go."

The trio all bustle out of the room and reach the common room, there was an awkward silence until Ron and Harry uttered in unison.


They walked off awkwardly and ate the food that had been put in the common room since they missed most of the feast.

𝑹𝒐𝒏 𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒚'𝒔 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑺𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 ⋆ Harry Potter x OCWhere stories live. Discover now