Chapter 130

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Jughead watched as Betty and Gladys stood head to head. "DONT YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT I DO AND DO NOT FEEL!" Gladys screamed, staring hard at Betty. "You clearly don't love them as much as you say you do, because you're only just coming around? So my next question is...why now?" Betty snapped. "I already told you why I'm here" Gladys stated but Betty shook her head. "No...I don't buy it" she insisted. "Ha! Of course you don't!" Gladys scoffed. "You're just some slutty blonde model, you don't know anything!" Gladys snarled and jughead jumped up at that. "DO NOT INSULT MY WIFE!" He yelled and Gladys stepped back. "So tell me... why are you here?" Jughead asked. "Fine..." Gladys deflated. "I...i need money" she admitted. "I..i don't have anywhere to go and I need money" she said and jughead let out a laugh. "Of course, so all that bullshit you spurted about how much you missed us, that was just a sob story so we would give in to you?!" He demanded. "I do miss you! That wasn't a lie!" Gladys defended. "No you don't" jellybean said. "You just want something from us and as soon as you get it, you'll disappear again" jellybean added, the anger evident in her voice. "What makes you think we'd even give you money anyway?" Jughead asked, rubbing his hand across his face, already done with his mother. "Look around... you clearly have enough money to spare and I'm family" Gladys said and jughead felt the anger course through him. "So let me guess this straight, you cheat on dad, abandon your kids and disappear for years, then when we're all happy and doing well for ourselves, you slither back so you can exploit us?" Jug said, his voice eerily calm. "Well no~" Gladys started but jughead cut her off. "" he spat. "You won't get a penny out of me, or my wife or dad so do us a favour and GET OUT!" He yelled. Gladys didn't say anything just stood staring at her son. "Leave Gladys, we don't need you" FP said. "Fine! This isn't over!" Gladys groaned. "Actually yes it is" Betty spoke up, walking towards Gladys making her back up to the door. "You won't be getting into this building again, or anywhere we work... and if you try anything like this again, we both know I have the money to get a restraining order against you" Betty smirked and slammed the door behind Gladys. "You're so badass!" Jellybean said, breaking the silence. Betty just smiled and walked over to jughead, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Are you okay?" She asked and he nodded, kissing her head. "Yeah...I'm just glad she's gone" he sighed. "That makes two of us" FP added. "Jelly? How are you?" Jughead asked, looking at his sister. "I'm okay" she shrugged. "We're better off without her" she said and everyone agreed. "Now, how about I go and talk to moose to make sure she can't get back into the building, and then we can all go out for dinner later? Put all this behind us?" Betty suggested. "Sounds like a plan betts" jug smiled, kissing her softly.

After Betty had spoken to moose and everyone got ready to go out, jughead found Betty sat on their bed with her hand over her stomach with a pained look on her face. "Are you okay?" Jughead asked, concerned. "Mmm yeah" Betty whispered. "Just got stomach cramp" she said. "I'm sorry baby" jug said, hugging her to him. "Do you want to stay here?" He asked. "We don't have to go out for dinner" he said but Betty shook her head. "No, no I'll be okay" she smiled, cupping his cheek and kissing him softly. "Let me just freshen up" she said, walking into the bathroom. Half an hour later, and they were all in an Uber heading to the restaurant. "I want a pizza! All I can eat" jellybean said, bouncing up and down in her seat, excitedly. "Well you can" jughead laughed and Betty giggled as jellybeans face lit up. "You're just like your brother" Betty smirked. When they arrived at the restaurant, the waiter lead them to their table, which was tucked away in a private area to keep the eyes away and let the family have some privacy. "Are you sure about this place? It looks expensive" FP said, picking up the menu. "I'm sure" Betty smiled, placing a hand over FPs. "Anyway, you all deserve something nice after today" she added. "It's okay, besides you were badass" jellybean grinned and the others burst out laughing. 

The dinner went well, and everyone was having a great time. "I'm sad we have to leave In the morning" jellybean whined, as she took a bite of her chocolate cake. "Im sad too, but you can visit anytime and we're only a phone call away" jughead smiled. "I'm just going to use the bathroom before we leave" Betty said, and excused herself to the bathroom. Her stomach was still cramping and when she got to the bathroom she realised why; she started her period. Just another reminder that she wasn't pregnant. She cleaned herself up and took a few moments to recollect herself before heading back out. When she sat back down, jughead instantly smiled and placed his hand on her thigh, without breaking conversation with his dad. They spoke for a while longer until the bill arrived and Betty went to pull her purse out. "I've got it babe" and handed over his card to the waiter. "Juggie you didn't need to do that" Betty scolded him. "I want to, let me treat my family" he grinned. Jughead had noticed that she seemed a little low since coming back from the bathroom but wanted to wait until they were alone to talk to her...

That evening, Betty was sat up in bed waiting for jughead. "They're both packed and ready to go in the morning" jug said, coming into their room and stripping out of his clothes, putting some sweatpants on. "That's good" Betty said but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "Baby?" Jug said softly, sitting in front of her and taking her hands. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I..i got my period" she told him. "And's just another thing that reminded me" she sighed. "Betts..." jug started. "I know it's sad, and hard but it will be okay" he assured her, squeezing her hands. "I know, and I know we'll have A baby one day, but I don't know..." she sighed, feeling frustrated. "Betts, do you want a baby now?" Jug asked. "I do, but I never thought about it until I thought I was but also we have so many things going on, and...I don't know" she admitted. "How about this?" Jug said, laying them both down. "When everything's calmed down and we can chill out a bit more...we think about doing this for real?".

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