Chapter 26

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The hardest thing that jughead had to do since signing on to work with Betty was to leave her for 4 days while she had to go to Chicago and he was staying in New York for a job commitment. "I'll call you everyday, text you and FaceTime you" he promised as he wiped her tears at the airport. "I know... I'll just miss you" she sniffed into his chest. "Me too baby, but you have to go to this event to promote your book then I'll join you for your convention" he said. Betty was heading to Chicago for an event to promote her book and then in four days she would be flying to LA where she would meet jughead to go to the meet and greet. "Okay come on betts, you have to catch your flight" he said and kissed her softly. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" he smiled and watched as she went through to the plane.

When Betty landed in San Francisco she took out her phone to see a message from jughead:

Jug: hey beautiful! Miss you already, hope you have a good day and I'll speak to you later! Love you! <3

The message brought a smile on her face and she pocketed her phone to catch up with Reggie and Archie who were grabbing all their luggage.

The two days passed pretty quickly as they both were busy with work but they texted all day and FaceTimed until they fell asleep on the evenings. The third day however, jughead had spoken to Betty on the phone that morning where she told him she was doing a panel and she was about to leave; and he hadn't spoken to her since. He didn't think anything of it all day as he was working and he hadn't checked his phone. When he got back to his apartment, Toni, fangs and sweetpea were all sat there looking worried and confused at him. "Erm... hey guys what's up?" He said. "Why are you here?" Toni said in shock. "Erm... I live here?" He laughed. "Oh god... you haven't heard?" Fangs said. "Heard what?" Jug said, becoming more and more confused. Sweetpea held his phone out to show jughead a news article; and jughead felt the air leave his lungs:

'Model, Elizabeth Cooper involved in car crash in San Francisco'

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