Chapter 47

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A week after living together, work hit both of them, full swing. Jughead was still doing behind the scenes photographs of Betty when she was working but he also had his own work commitments. He had done, two weddings, a website, portrait shots and a magazine shoot all in a week. Betty also had a busy week, she had meetings, shoots, interviews and she'd done a ribbon cutting for a new fashion boutique. Currently, Jug was sat on the couch going through some photos he'd taken when the door opened and then slammed shut. He turned in surprise and saw his girlfriend storm in. "Betts?" He asked, following her into her office. "Babe? What's wrong?". Betty was slamming things onto her desk and huffing. She went to walk out to the room when Jug placed his hands on her shoulders. "Talk to me betty" he said. Betty sighed before talking. "I just had a meeting with Cheryl and everyone and the person publishing the book said I have to have the last five chapters done by next month, so it can go into print and then it's ready to be sold in two months time" she started "that's no enough time! I don't know how I'm supposed to meet that deadline!" She exclaimed. "Okay. Take a breath" he said calmly, stroking his hands against her shoulders. "I know you're stressed and that deadline seems impossible to meet but it's not baby, and you will be able to do it" he said. "How about we do this... you go and get changed, take off your makeup, hair up and come back here and we'll make a list of everything you need to do so that you can see it all in front of you?" He suggested and she sagged against him. "Okay. You're right..." she mumbled into his chest, his arms coming around her. "Go on then" he said softly, and kissed her head and nudged her in the direction of the bedroom.

When she came back in her office in sweats, jug had already got her laptop and plans out. "Okay shall we make a list of all you need to get done?" He said and she nodded. "Thank you" she smiled and he kissed her in response. They worked on everything she needed to do for about half an hour. "Thank you juggie. This really helps" she said when they were done. "You're welcome betts" he smiled. "So what do you want to do now?" He asked. "I think I might start on some of the writing so that I don't feel as stressed" she said and he nodded. "Sounds good, i think I'll edit some of my photos while you're working" he said and she nodded.

After about an hour Betty stood up, took her laptop and left her office. She went into the kitchen first and made herself a tea and jughead a coffee before making her way into jugheads office. "Can I come in?" She smiled from the door way, two mugs in her hand and her laptop under her arm. "Of course" he said. "I made you coffee" she said and handed him the mug. "Thank you baby" he grinned. She smiled and sat cross legged in front of him on his desk. "You Okay there?" He smirked. "Oh yeah I just wanted to be near you" she said sheepishly. "That's absolutely fine" he said and kissed her before turning back to his work while Betty Typed in front of him. He smiled to himself; he couldn't believe how lucky he was.

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