Chapter 170 The Reverse-World Entrance

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Andrew pursed his lips. When Zhu Lingdie mentioned her father and Fang's completely different paths, although Professor Sun was not a key figure in the central command, his estimation was probably not far off. So he asked again, "Then what exactly is the 'Reverse-World'?"

"Mr. Chu, you were a student of engineering. You should know that there is anti-matter in this world, right? For example, in our world, an electron carries a negative charge, while a positron is an electron with a positive charge. They have opposite characteristics. Once these positive and negative matters collide, they will release tremendous energy, far more powerful than any nuclear weapon!

However, during the era of the Sun, the production and storage of anti-matter were extremely difficult, only for experimental observation. Now, the scientific system has undergone significant changes due to the large amount of evidence and confirmation of dark energy and dark matter and their theories. We have re-conjectured that if the 'Reverse-World' exists, its connection to the 'Positive World' is the mysterious dark energy, forming a cyclical system that can barely explain the stability of the entire space.

We have speculated that the anti-matter of dark energy may be dark energy itself, just like how 'photons' were observed in the era of the Sun, and anti-photons are themselves," Professor Fang explained to Andrew in the simplest terms.

Andrew was, after all, a student of engineering, and Professor Fang's explanation was so simple that he immediately grasped some understanding. He furrowed his brows slightly and asked the most concerning question, "If the 'Reverse-World' is full of anti-matter, wouldn't people from our 'Positive World' disintegrate as soon as they enter?"

"That is why that alien race chose you, not other low-level Dark Warriors, to enter the 'Reverse-World'!

Currently, the approximate targets they have identified are Dark Warriors of level four and above, equivalent to the level of a Dark Warrior King.

We estimate that these alien races consider that Dark Warriors of this level or higher possess energy shields that can isolate them from the collision contact between their positive matter and the anti-matter in the 'Reverse-World,' ensuring their safety.

Additionally, due to the limitations of the dark energy field, the collision of positive and negative matter may not necessarily lead to a massive energy release, and the physical rules of the 'Reverse-World' are unknown to us. Now, due to constraints, we cannot conduct similar experiments. We can only draw similar conclusions from the only previous nuclear explosion experiment," Professor Fang shook his head and said.

Andrew knew about that nuclear explosion that Professor Fang mentioned, not only knew but also personally experienced it. He almost got blown away and killed by the shock wave!

In any case, Professor Fang's explanation was enough to make Andrew realize the extreme danger of the 'Reverse-World.'

Compared to the other several Dark Warrior Kings, Andrew was already much better off. He possessed his original Qi, battle armor, and Six-Armor Elemental Symbol suitable for this situation, providing triple protection.

"When I arrived, I saw that the internal garrison had sealed off the original site of the monument and built five triangular cone-shaped machines. Could that be the entrance to the 'Reverse-world'?" Andrew recalled what he had seen on the way and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, that's the place! Chu, their actions have increased a lot since the monument flew away. It won't be long before the entrance to the 'Reverse-world' is opened. You need to be prepared early and be cautious," Professor Sun said with concern. "Our technological strength is still not on par with the power of the alien race. You are the only one we currently know who can stand up against them. You must protect yourself.

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