Chapter 83 Ghost Rider?

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The woman skillfully tinkered with Andrew's motorcycle, disassembling and assembling it at a speed that made him dizzy. She even released fire energy to burn something. Andrew began to suspect that she might have worked as a motorcycle repairer before.

After a moment, she stood up neatly, brushed a strand of hair from her cheek to behind her ear without Andrew's permission, and then straddled the motorcycle.

Andrew was shocked. At this moment, he was completely exhausted, while she had effortlessly released fire energy just now, indicating that she still had some strength left. If she wanted to snatch the motorcycle from him, he might not be her match!

With monsters fighting above his head and an unknown Red Beetle army approaching from behind, the situation was extremely dangerous. He couldn't think too much, so he tightly grabbed onto the motorcycle and quickly got on.

Andrew held onto her waist with both hands, gripping tightly.

Since she had fixed the motorcycle, it didn't make sense for her to immediately leave. Seeing her skillful technique just now, she might have better driving skills than him. The road ahead was twisted and filled with piles of cars, which was very dangerous. With his driving skills, he would most likely break down again if he was hit. It might be slightly better for her to drive.

In the Sunshine Era, Andrew bought three motorcycles in total. The first one was damaged when Jay-den escaped for his life. The second one was destroyed by the Red-Eyed Monster when Jack and Andrew escaped from it in the fog. Now, this one is his last one!

Andrew sat behind her, implicitly acknowledging her authority. There was no time for chitchat. The woman calmly said, "Hold on!" and stepped on the throttle. The motorcycle roared and shot out.

Only then did Andrew realize how formidable she was! She was far more skilled than he had thought.

What surprised Andrew was not only her driving skills, like in American movies, with sharp turns, quick dodges, and 360° turns; what shocked him even more was that she could channel the power of fire into the motorcycle. Despite the fact that there were two people on the bike, which should have been very heavy, the wheels spun with blazing flames effortlessly, just like in the Hollywood movie "Ghost Rider" from the Sunshine Era, as they smoothly maneuvered on the edge of the Mist City!

A magnificent trail of flames was left behind as they sped away!

Andrew was curious why the motorcycle tires didn't burst into flames. Perhaps it was because her awakened ability was the reason. Andrew could only explain it to himself in this way.

Fortunately, movies were movies, and reality was reality. The woman he held tightly did not instantly turn into a hellish skeleton!

However, the motorcycle and even she herself were both engulfed in the raging fire energy, making it difficult for anyone to withstand!

She would occasionally make sharp turns, leaps, and even climb a not-so-high wall while dragging the flames.

In order to prevent himself from falling, Andrew had to firmly hold onto her waist with both hands and couldn't free himself to use the symbol of take in vitality to replenish his energy. He had to rely on the severely damaged battle armor and grit his teeth!

The woman continuously and steadily used the power of fire, causing Andrew to be amazed once again. Her fire energy was obviously very powerful! It was no wonder that when facing the scorching flames of the Firebird during their gamble, she could withstand it without flinching!

At this moment, the two of them were silent, only focusing on escaping. Although their speed was far from that of the Firebird, it was enough to leave the flesh-eating bugs and Red-Eyed Monsters in the dust!

Andrew had learned from Captain Du before that their main force, as the rear guarding unit, had lost more than half of their men in the retreat. They finally managed to bypass the treacherous Mist City on the Su Highway and originally planned to drive directly into Jingling City. However, they encountered the majority of the ordinary soldiers from the 218th Regiment of the 21st Division that Captain Du had left behind at Dongshen University. They learned that they were trying to pass through Shenling Highway and go straight to Jingling City through the mist, but no one who entered the mist had ever come out! Therefore, in order to save those scientists, the division decided to wait there for six hours and send people into the mist to search for Du Qishan's whereabouts. Andrew experienced everything himself.

Although he now wanted to kill Captain Du with a single sword, his mind was clear. Facing the Red Beetle Army, he would be slightly safer if he stayed with the military!

So he repeatedly reminded the woman to escape to Qingdeng Town. Fortunately, she seemed to know the location, which relieved Andrew. He couldn't spare a hand to take out the map and check it now!

After more than twenty minutes of twists and turns, they finally rushed out of the Mist City and plunged into the vast darkness. Behind them, the city was filled with eerie green fluorescence and enchanting mist, resembling a fairy forest in a fairy tale world!

It was almost 23 o'clock now, during the nighttime of the Sunshine Era. Even the faint glow in the sky had extinguished. The motorcycle, with its trailing flames, appeared very dazzling in the darkness!

With such exposed targets, if they were targeted by that green beetle, they would be in big trouble!

The woman cleverly stopped using fire, and the flames instantly disappeared as if they had never existed!

At this time, Andrew also urgently needed to replenish his vitality. Although his body could absorb some of the nature autonomously at the LV2, it was all being consumed in resisting her fire energy. His body felt empty, making Andrew extremely insecure.

The woman got off the motorcycle and stood aside, tying up some loose hair that had scattered along the way. She suddenly said to the busy Andrew who was still sitting on the motorcycle, "Mr. Chu is really cautious. You still refuse to get off the motorcycle. With your abilities, are you afraid that I will steal your car?"

Andrew thought to himself that he was indeed afraid of having his car stolen by her, but he interrupted, "How do you know my family name is Chu?"

The woman glanced at his battle armor and asked in return, "Among more than a hundred awakened warriors, how many do not know you!?"

Andrew knew that this battle armor and the Thousand Defeat Sword had almost become his signature, so it was not surprising. He smiled and didn't say anything, busy holding the symbol of take in vitality in his hand and eagerly absorbing the energy.

The woman suddenly reached out her hand and said crisply, "I'm called Lan Chaoyin, a fire energy warrior!"

Andrew hadn't shaken hands with anyone for a long time. These formalities had been almost abandoned since the Dark Age, where everyone was just running for their lives. He hesitated for a moment, but still lightly shook her hand and then let go, pointing at himself and saying, "I'm Andrew chu." He didn't say much more, as he couldn't explain his ability issues at all.

Lan Chaoyin seemed unconcerned and turned around, taking out a flat water bottle from her clothes and drinking from it slowly by herself.

She didn't speak, which was exactly what Andrew wanted. He needed to concentrate on recovering his vitality. There could be bugs appearing here at any time!

After a while of silence, Andrew finally finished absorbing the energy from a symbol of take in vitality. He opened a bottle of drink he took from the Storage Talisman without even having time to read the name, and drank it all in one go. He almost got roasted dry by Lan Chaoyin just now!

He couldn't afford to delay any longer. He found a thick piece of clothing from the Storage Talisman and covered it over the motorcycle headlight. Since Lan Chaoyin couldn't use fire energy anymore, they would have to rely on the dimly lit headlight for stealth.


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