chapter 20 New Monster

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Andrew sat on the ground, dumbfoundedly looking at the pig brain that had performed great deeds, wondering if he should go to the nearby zoo and get some animal's brains. Although he had stored a lot of pork, he only had three pig brains. He couldn't have imagined back then that this thing would be so effective.

Checking his injuries, his right hand had already become somewhat numb from being pulled. Even the slightest movement caused excruciating pain. The abdomen was tightly clamped by the insect, causing the greatest injury. Even breathing felt extremely painful. However, fortunately, none of his body parts were missing. With the flow of elemental energy, these injuries would eventually recover.

With two remaining quantities of elemental energy, dealing with the three dying red beetles was more than enough.

After collecting the bodies of the three insects and cleaning up the battlefield, Andrew didn't dare to rush into the hospital. Dragging his numb right hand, he found a secluded corner.

During this period, he had saved two fully flamed elemental talismans. Before, due to his fight with the bald guys, he only had two quantities of elemental energy left. At that time, in order to take immediate action, he replenished six quantities of elemental energy, consuming three flames on one of the talismans. Now he only had half a talisman left, totaling nine flames, which could continuously replenish eighteen quantities of elemental energy.

Now, he could only consume three flames to raise the thickness of his internal elemental energy to its maximum.

Looking at the shattered symbol of take in vitality in the air, Andrew took out a cigarette and pondered. This operation killed three red-armored beetles and consumed six quantities of elemental energy. In terms of elemental energy income and expenditure, it was almost the same, but in terms of physical items, he gained three sets of beetle shells, corrosive saliva, and so on. It should still be worth it.

Andrew didn't dare to rest for too long. The night is long, and there are many dreams. After finishing a cigarette, he immediately took action again!

The outpatient building of the community hospital and a small inpatient building had red brick exteriors. In the yard, there were scattered bodies of both doctors and patients, all with empty skulls. These were the doings of the red-armored beetles.

The automatic glass door of the outpatient building had already been shattered, and the glass shards were scattered on the ground, making a creaking sound when stepped on.

The medical platform was covered in a thick layer of fresh blood, and the hall was filled with chaotic medical records and newspapers with footprints on them. The headline on the front page was very eye-catching: "The Sun Disappears in 2012!"

Or perhaps more terrifying: "Monsters Attack Humans! Military Intervenes!"

The registration window had half of an intestine hanging on it, and the blood that flowed down had already frozen into blood ice blocks. The payment window had scattered banknotes spinning in the mournful breeze. Inside, tables, chairs, files, and computers were overturned, seemingly indicating that there had been serious riots here.

Behind the security door, there was a cabinet crouching tightly. However, a large hole had been broken into it, and on the rusty metal piece hung an eerie eyeball, glaring at the dark passage behind the hall!

The promotional frame for famous doctors in the middle had been broken in half, and the glass shards were stuck with traces of blood, which were very long.

Turning right, there was the place to pick up medicine with the "Pick Up Medicine" in green letters on the glass, which was about to collapse. Patient waiting chairs were scattered around, and the ceiling fan had fallen down, breaking into several pieces.

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