Chapter 34 Three Arrows

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Jay-den had successfully awakened.

Seeing Professor Sun's unbelieving expression, Andrew fully realized the importance of the Six-Armor Elemental Symbol in awakening. With the defense of the Six-Armor Elemental Symbol, the extremely dangerous awakening process was effectively protected, greatly increasing the success rate of awakening. Andrew didn't need to think too much to know how terrifying this was.

However, no one except him knew about it. Even Jay-den was confused, thinking that he had just passed out.

Andrew pulled him up, curious about Jay-den's talents and abilities. As for the energy attribute, it was clear from the surging cold air.

According to Professor Sun's brief description, he had seen mostly ice and fire attributes in awakened humans, while other types were very rare. Professor Sun had never mentioned pure Qi like Andrew's.

But that was fine. Andrew thought he could let Jay-den try if he could use his crossbow. With one attacking and one ambushing, their chances of survival would greatly increase.

Andrew was almost clueless about awakened humans, but under the guidance of Professor Sun, Jay-den made various attempts. The results were somewhat disappointing. Jay-den's awakened abilities were very ordinary, only able to create some ice rain. It would be difficult for him to kill even a rats.

But Andrew didn't care. Those awakened humans with special talents were the so-called natural geniuses mentioned in ancient books. Compared to them, Jay-den, with his flawed abilities, had already surpassed the expectations. Heaven had opened its eyes.

The most important thing was that Andrew had the Talisman. He didn't need any special talents. As long as he had the energy attribute of ice, he could shoot out ice arrows!

At first, Jay-den was very excited when he learned about his awakening from Professor Sun. But after a few attempts, he became disappointed with the results. Although Professor Sun comforted him, saying that as long as he persisted in training, he would definitely gain powerful combat abilities.

"Bro Chu, am I useless?" Jay-den sighed.

Andrew pulled him up and said mysteriously, "Come with me!"

Without waiting for the reaction from Jay-den and the others, he rushed downstairs like a whirlwind, chose a room, activated his Qi, and kicked open the door. Fortunately, the room was already empty.

Andrew took out the crossbow and asked, "Can you use a crossbow?"

Jay-den looked at the crossbow that Andrew took out in confusion, but he was quickly attracted by the strange runes on it. Curiously, he asked, "Bro Chu, what is this?"

"Don't waste time. Can you shoot accurately now?" Andrew reminded him.

Jay-den rolled his eyes and proudly said, "Bro Chu, have you forgotten? How much money did I spend last year when I pursued a girl in their club? Although I dare not say that I'm a professional, I'm at least an amateur expert!"

Andrew remembered that Jay-den's previous girlfriend was indeed from some club. At that time, she even helped him get a membership card. Over time, he forgot about it. Unexpectedly, there's a connection with the sand here.

Jay-den hesitated for a moment, not understanding what Andrew wanted to do, so he asked, "What are we doing?"

Andrew knew that he couldn't explain this matter clearly for the time being, and he didn't want to say more either, so he replied, "Hurry up and do as I say. I don't have time to explain so much now!"

Jay-den quickly said, "Okay, okay, Bro Chu, you command, I'll follow!"

With the bowstring pulled back, Andrew seemed more skilled.

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