Chapter 63 Model Establishment

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The person hit by the ice arrow made of pure elemental energy swayed a bit. Although the freezing effect was not maximized, it still gave the two red-eyed monsters the opportunity to attack. They pounced on him and tightly wrapped around his upper body. He exhausted his fire energy to tear one of them apart, but his body was already a bloody mess. The other one, without hesitation, pounced again. This time, he was already too weak to resist, and not long after, his upper body turned into blood.

Having successfully ambushed one person, Andrew continued to shoot arrows. His archery skills were not good, and there was always a chance to miss. Fortunately, the battle below was intense, and no one paid attention to his missed ice arrows.

When Captain Du and his team finished the battle, Andrew ambushed three more people. He counted and found that there were only sixteen companions of the man with a long face left. He estimated that they had lost a few more in the other battles in the past two days.

Andrew sat in the building, lit a cigarette, and waited for Captain Du to leave so he could collect the bodies of the red-eyed monsters.

As long as Captain Du and his team encountered a few more such ambushes, Andrew could quickly kill the man with the long face by ambushing from the shadows.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and Captain Du and his team did not dare to stay for long. They left in a hurry. Andrew immediately threw away the cigarette butt. He needed to quickly collect the bodies. Otherwise, if other red-eyed monsters smelled the blood and came over, it would be troublesome.

Unfortunately, as soon as he finished collecting the bodies, bursts of red light appeared in the mist. When he took a closer look, there were at least thirty red eyes. Andrew was shocked and hurriedly retreated towards the nearest east fog Wall with Jack.

Andrew fought and retreated. Fortunately, Jack's fire wheel slash provided support from behind, and Andrew used the Thousand Defeat Sword for close combat. Although there were many monsters pouncing on them, under Andrew's sword full of elemental energy, they suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing that the number of monsters kept increasing, Andrew suddenly rose up, pulled Jack, and ran away. They didn't dare to fight anymore, otherwise, both of them would be trapped and undoubtedly die.

When they were about to reach the fog wall, Andrew directly threw Jack over, stabbed a red-eyed monster that was about to land on his head with his sword, and entered the fog wall. Jack saw him coming out and immediately followed their plan and returned. At this time, the two of them had already appeared at the southern fog wall of District 5.

The two of them searched District 5, avoiding the group of red-eyed monsters, but found no trace of Captain Du and his team.

Andrew immediately crossed the fog wall again and searched District 5, District 1, District 7, and District 4 repeatedly, finally seeing Captain Du's team in District 9.


Five days later, Jinjiang Building, Captain Du's resting point.

"Captain, we have suffered heavy losses in the past few days. Captain Gan's people are almost dead!" Staff Officer Tao said worriedly. In the past two days, his own troops had a relatively low casualty rate, but for some reason, Captain Gan's newly awakened soldiers had a high death rate. If this continued, not to mention reaching Jinling City, even if they hadn't left Kun City, they would probably all be scrapped.

Du Qishan stared at the mist outside the window, his brows furrowed, and slowly said, "Lao Tao, don't you find it strange? Soldiers with the same abilities as awaken have fought several bloody battles in our army and survived, but Gan Ziqiang's men have died one after another at the hands of monsters?"

Staff Officer Tao nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, that's why I suspect that someone is secretly targeting us. But why do these people only target Gan Ziqiang and not the entire army?"

Du Qishan chuckled lightly and sighed, "I should have known it was him. He wouldn't give up so easily. When he walked away heavily that day, I had a bad feeling. He followed us after all!"

Staff Officer Tao was taken aback and asked, "Who is he?"

Du Qishan smiled bitterly and said, "Do you remember when we were about to enter Kun City, there was a skilled fighter we encountered? At that time, I tried to recruit him to join us, but he refused. Later, when he clashed with Gan Ziqiang(long face man), I intervened and he retreated into the crowd. He must have followed us and is seeking revenge in secret."

Staff Officer Tao was shocked and exclaimed, "You mean the person named Andrew that you told me about? The one who dared to fight alone against more than twenty awakened warriors like Gan Ziqiang?"

Du Qishan nodded helplessly and said, "Yes, it's him. There's no other person who could stay alive and track us for such a long time, and also have the ability to launch stealthy attacks on us."

Staff Officer Tao lowered his head and pondered for a moment before saying, "Captain, how powerful do you think his abilities are?"

Without hesitation, Du Qishan said, "I don't know. Maybe I underestimated his abilities before, and now I have even less idea. But that doesn't matter anymore! By the way, how is Professor Sun's research going?"

Staff Officer Tao nodded and replied, "The dimensional model of the Mist city has been established, and now we are working on solving the remaining equations. Since we lack advanced computers, most of it has to be calculated manually by the professors, so it might take some time."

Du Qishan let out a long sigh and said, "That's good. We don't need to risk our lives traveling through the mist anymore. Issue my order: from now on, until the scientists have solved all the equations, no one is allowed to step out of the Jinjiang Building, anyone who disobeys will be shot on sight!"

Staff Officer Tao immediately stood straight, saluted, and said, "Yes, sir!"

Du Qishan turned and asked, "How many people are left with Gan Ziqiang now?"

Staff Officer Tao immediately answered, "Including Gan Ziqiang himself, there are only five people!"

Du Qishan narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "Gan Ziqiang is not a fool. He probably knows what's going on better than both of us. Have Zhou Wei keep an eye on them and prevent them from causing any trouble. If necessary, Gan Ziqiang can be sacrificed!"

Staff Officer Tao's expression became firm and he said, "Yes, sir!"


Andrew had been ambushing in the Jinjiang Building for twelve hours. Since Captain Du and the others went in, he hadn't seen them come out.

He had successfully killed twelve more of their people, including long face himself, so now there were only five people left.

"Bro Chu, have you ever thought that if we suddenly attack now, Captain Du might not dare to stop us from killing long face?" Jack, who was sitting beside him, rare used his brain and said.

Andrew nodded and said, "Yes, Captain Du always prioritizes the interests of the military. He will never do anything that causes unnecessary losses. The situation is chaotic now, and he is no longer following the rules of the Sunshine Era. Even if we have a direct conflict with him, he would abandon his dignity to avoid a direct confrontation with us and prevent losses to his own people. But when they arrive in Jinling City, he may not be able to tolerate it anymore!"

Jack smiled and said, "Then what are you hesitating for? Mantra is the insider, and with the two of us, Captain Du won't stand a chance."

Andrew exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at the opposite building, and said, "Wait a little longer. Let's take turns resting for six hours. If he still doesn't show up, we will have enough energy to go in directly and kill him! In case Captain Du decides to intervene, we may have to fight with all our strength! So let's take a break for now. We've been following them for so long, six hours doesn't matter."


Dark Blood AgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora