Chapter 48 Quota Issue

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Andrew shook his head. The other party's movements were too fast and obviously didn't want to make contact with them.

"Let's go into the warehouse first and take a look!" Jiang Ye thought for a moment and said to Qian Demore.

Leaving two people to guard outside the door, the other six entered the warehouse. The inside of the warehouse was very chaotic, with various shelves and cardboard boxes scattered on the ground, showing signs of being searched.

However, the more chaotic the place, the more likely it was to still have some things that hadn't been taken. If everything was neatly cleaned out, there would be nothing to expect.

Andrew also took out a flashlight and, along with the other six, searched for anything edible. The temperature was very low, which actually allowed many food items to be preserved for a long time.

Qian Demore skillfully found a small box of well-packaged bread in a hidden compartment of the warehouse. The others, including Andrew, had very little harvest, mostly just some scattered bread. Apart from a part that had gone bad, it could still be eaten.

Now, no one would care about the hygiene quality of the underground bakery. As long as they could eat, it was fine!

Although the harvest was not much, apart from the frightening woman, they didn't encounter any danger, so it was considered a relatively successful operation.

Three pieces of bread per person, with one piece left. Qian Demore planned to give it to Sophie, considering it her share.

Andrew thought to himself that according to their rules, there was indeed a big difference in treatment between those who came and those who didn't. No wonder Sophie insisted on coming.

They didn't encounter any danger on the way back either. Everyone was delighted, but when they entered the crowd, they unexpectedly saw Qin Heng's group of three people sneaking into an BMW vehicle with several women.

Qian Demore sneered and dismissively said that the vehicle was just a pimps' car. As long as you had food, those people could find you any woman or man you wanted, no matter who.

As he said that, he wickedly touched the bread in his pocket, smiling brightly.

Back on the truck, Andrew suddenly felt that it was a waste of his cultivation time for just three pieces of bread. He had thought that he might be able to catch a few bugs on the way, but he didn't succeed. However, it was too late to regret now.

Andrew sat on the truck and took a short nap. When he woke up, it seemed that the human flow had already left the urban area. The mixed group from Dongshen University had merged with other larger groups of refugees.

In the distance, sporadic torches, flashlights, and even a few car lights highlighted the scene of a sea of people. Perhaps this was the largest exodus in human history!

Andrew glanced at the members on the truck. Qin Heng and the others had already returned, and Qian Demore and Jay-den didn't know where they went. Except for Jack, who was still practicing his Fire Wheel Slash desperately, everyone else was drowsy.

He jumped off the truck, lit a cigarette, and saw Jay-den waving at him near the No.1 bus. He didn't know what was going on.

Qian Demore was also there. When he saw Andrew approaching, he grinned and said, "Chu bro, come over and take a look at these people. If you choose someone, let Tongtong register them to get on the bus. Last time, Jay-den promised to find a few beauties for you two, but almost forgot!"

Andrew was stunned. What did Jay-den promise? What beauties? He looked at Jay-den in confusion, but the guy just smirked and didn't say anything.

"Chandler pulled over a middle-aged man and warmly introduced him to Andrew, saying, 'This is Fang, who is specifically in charge of these matters for us privately. Andrew, you two are really popular now. With so many vacancies, you know how many people are going crazy to get on the number one bus!'"

Dark Blood AgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora