Chapter 93 Witch

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"I was hired by Lao Cui and have nothing to do with Zhao Shanhe," Andrew said indifferently. His purpose in joining this team was completely different from Li Yue's, so he had no interest in the conflict between the six of them.

Li Yue's expression changed. Although Chu Yunsheng said that he had nothing to do with Zhao Shanhe and was only hired by Lao Cui, Zhao Shanhe firmly stood on Lao Cui's side.

"We also can't ignore Lao Cui and them. Naturally, we still have to take them with us. As long as we hurry, we can reach Jinling City within a day without starving many people. It's dangerous for Zhao Shanhe to detour to find food. If we encounter an insect swarm, none of us will survive!" Li Yue continued from Andrew's words. What he said actually made sense. Everything was unknown, perhaps if they endured a little longer, they would reach Jinling City, but nobody knew for sure.

Andrew smiled and remained noncommittal.

"Alright, Chu, as long as you remain neutral like Huang Renkuan!" Li Yue also forced a smile and laughed a few times. Actually, he didn't have much hope for Andrew. Firstly, Andrew was new and they didn't have any personal relationship. Secondly, when Andrew joined them, he only mentioned that he was a Fire Elemental Warrior who used handguns. In Li Yue's eyes, this ordinary Fire Elemental Warrior couldn't play a decisive role. The key was the cook and the witch, who were both experts.

Andrew got up and prepared to take Hu Zi out for some fresh air. He didn't answer Li Yue, and he didn't need to promise anything to Li Yue either.

Perhaps Li Yue would think that he had tacitly agreed to their suggestion, but Andrew didn't care about what they thought.

Now, Andrew planned to talk to Zhao Shanhe. The food issue was a piece of cake for him. If Zhao Shanhe insisted on detouring to find food, it would be extremely disadvantageous for Andrew. One of his purposes in joining this team was to reach Jinling City as soon as possible.

Andrew stored a large number of insect corpses in the storage talisman. The storage talisman is a completely static space, and there will be no spoilage no matter how long it is kept. Andrew found the insect meat disgusting; he had never eaten it himself, only the little tiger liked it. However, compared to human lives, Andrew still prioritized them. Moreover, the meat of the red-armored beetle was already enough for the tiger cub to eat.

"You looking for me?" Zhao Shanhe followed Andrew to the rear of the stranded car, confused. He had been urging Old Cui's men to quickly fix the car. In his eyes, Andrew was only slightly better than a cook who rarely spoke. His abilities seemed not that powerful, but his character was decent. At least Andrew could give the whole bowl of Con-gee to others, something even he couldn't do.

"Don't beat around the bush anymore, drive straight to Jinling..." Andrew intended to keep it short, but was interrupted by the impatient Zhao Shanhe.

"Did Li Yue send you? Chu, I know what they're thinking, but it's impossible. You can go and see for yourself on Old Cui's car. They haven't eaten anything for almost three days! They're just surviving on water. If they had eaten well before, they might still hold on, but three days ago they could only eat once a day! Now they're barely hanging on. They gave us food more valuable than their own lives!" Zhao Shanhe clenched his fists and said in one breath, "Chu, you just arrived, and you don't have any emotional attachment to Old Cui and the others. I understand, but I'm different. It was Old Cui's food that kept me alive. When one receives a favor, they remember it for a thousand years. Regardless of the Sunshine Era or the Dark Era, I live by this principle..."

Andrew had only known that Zhao Shanhe was someone who valued faith, but he didn't expect him to be so articulate, not giving Andrew a chance to interject.

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