Chapter 135 Military's New Policy

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Andrew had heard a bit about the conflict between Research faction and martial faction in the Military Command. One advocating moderation, the other more radical. Now, it was not so much that the martial faction had finally won and gained the highest leadership of the General Headquarters, but rather the choice made by this precarious era itself.

"Mr. Chu, Luya Ming, Commissioner Lu is here, should I let him in?" Ye Qisheng, in charge of monitoring the main gate, hurried over to report, adding, "He's with a police force, lots of guns!"

"Let him in, it's fine." Andrew nodded. Luya Ming was the only person who could provide information about the General Headquarters. Now, with the insect soldiers at the city gates and the entire city in turmoil, it was the moment of the highest power transition in the city. It was impossible to stay calm, and it was normal for Luya Ming to bring many police officers to ensure safety.

At this time, there was still a faint light in the sky. It had not completely darkened yet. If the highest command could not effectively control the situation before the darkness enveloped the entire city, it was feared that more people would die.

Before the insects attacked the city, Jinling City fell into chaos on its own!

Luya Ming looked nervous, disheveled, and slightly stumbled when he came in.

"Mr. Chu, I happened to pass by here. Tonight, you must not go out. The General Headquarters has already taken control of the entire Dark Warrior headquarters. The Dark Warrior Kings of the four districts have already signed to obey all commands of the General Headquarters! The Commander-in-Chief has just ordered that before 6 o'clock tomorrow, all unstable factors in the city will be thoroughly cleared, and all troublemakers will be suppressed by force!" Luya Ming lowered his voice and said urgently.

"Is there going to be forced conscription?" Andrew's heart was pounding, but his face remained calm. The General Headquarters had been silent for a long time, finally taking full control. Tonight, countless people who blindly fell into chaos might be killed.

"Not only that, all food supplies will be handed over completely, controlled and distributed by the military. I don't have time to explain in detail now! The Third Main Force Division is about to enter the western district. You must not resist. They have now united the entire Dark Headquarters and many independent Dark Warrior groups have joined the operation. Several small factions in the north attempting to resist have been classified as rioters and will be eliminated on the spot, and all families will be expelled from the city." Luya Ming swallowed hard, his eyes widened with a hint of panic. "There is still some time now, you need to prepare quickly. The Third Main Force Division will soon come to check the supplies of all the Dark Warrior factions!"

"Commissioner Lu, thank you!" Andrew's gratitude was sincere. In such a chaotic situation, Luya Ming took a great risk to inform him in advance, and that was truly significant.

Andrew was on the sixth floor of the building behind him. Now it was piled with food, all brought back from the small station at the risk of their lives. If the third main force battalion entered the west district tonight and attempted to forcibly search the building and take away the food, Andrew would be caught off guard, and conflict was inevitable. It was even like Have a wolf by the ears!

For him to directly confront a full main force battalion was suicidal behavior given his current power. Even if he himself would be fine, those following him would definitely not be spared!

"Mr. Chu, don't be polite. By the way, you must be careful, the Ice King and the others who joined are part of the third main force battalion. Sharp is probably already on the road with the third main force battalion." Lu Yaming reminded again, Andrew knew about his conflict with Damian, and he had heard about Sharp behind Damian.

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