Chapter3 Dark age

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The ATM at the banks formed long queues, the city was crowded, and the gas stations were filled with people. A large number of police officers appeared on the streets, barely maintaining order in Shanghai. If there were no further complications with the sun, the relevant departments were confident in maintaining a harmonious and stable situation.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. On the third day, which was the 24th, morning in the United States and evening in China, the sun disappeared again, lasting for an hour. This disappearance caused great chaos, with crime rates skyrocketing and even those who were initially skeptical of the end of the world were shocked and rushed to buy supplies. However, at that time, no stores were open, and even the staff at the city's shopping malls are also human-beings, and they have long been caught in chaos.

People who couldn't buy anything resorted to robbing stores directly. Cash could no longer be withdrawn from banks, and all POS machines were shut down. The whole world fell into extreme chaos and paralysis.

In the early hours of the 24th, Andrew heard gunshots, real gunshots! And the rumbling of tanks, the army had entered the city!

The situation was almost out of control, and the government finally resorted to military force. Neat tanks and armored vehicles slowly made their way through the city, like a torrent of steel. After warning shots were fired, the rioters who tried to resist the army were shot and killed. Bloodshed continued to unfold around the world, but no one cared about it anymore, only the government television and radio stations were still appealing for calm and restraint.

When Andrew rent this house, he already considered the possibility of the military appearing in such a serious situation. That's why he specifically rented a neighborhood close to the government officials' compound and the wealthy and powerful. He didn't dare to rent directly inside because he knew that after the military took over, they would definitely clean and inspect the heavily guarded neighborhoods. As someone who stored so much food, he might be mistaken for a profiteer and get locked up.

So he could only rent nearby, where he could still receive some incidental care from the military, but not too strictly. Through the window, he could see soldiers patrolling with sub machine guns, which gave Andrew a sense of security.

After his phone call with Jay-den on the 23rd, Andrew made calls to other relatives and classmates. The signal was sometimes good and sometimes bad, but he managed to tell them to be careful and stock up on supplies. He even told them that if they were in danger, they should come to his place.

But now it seems almost impossible. The military has taken over the city, implementing martial law and curfews. The military and police are stationed in every neighborhood, and all necessary supplies are transported by the military. Residents are ordered to stay at home and cannot leave until the situation calms down.

However, things didn't go as well as the government had hoped.

On the 25th, the sun disappeared for 2 hours!

On the 26th, the sun disappeared for 4 hours!

On the 27th, the sun disappeared for a staggering 10 hours!

Darkness! Darkness! The global crisis!

On the 28th, the world finally plunged into complete darkness, with no sunlight visible in any time zone!

On December 28th, one hour before the sun disappeared, with good global signal, the President made his final speech in front of the White House: "...Satan has resurrected on Earth, and humanity will face God's test, entering a dark age. Only those who yearn for light, freedom, and love can ultimately emerge from the darkness and return to God's side..."

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