Chapter 16 Bloodshed Caused by a Half Pot of Beef

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Human conflicts often attract one or two red-armored beetles. He cannot stop the crowds fighting for food, nor can he stop the red-armored beetles from being alerted by it. The only thing he can do is to quickly kill these despicable bugs.

Holding onto the rope tied to the rooftop, Andrew swiftly glides over the heads of the crowd. The ice arrow shoots out effortlessly, piercing through the red-armored beetle's shell, freezing it completely along with the arrow.

Soaring over the red-armored beetle, he reaches out and grabs the frozen arrow feather. His vitality instantly bursts forth. Man and insect, under the tension of the rope, rise into the sky and land on the opposite rooftop.

The crying and screaming of the crowd abruptly ceases!

All flashlight beams are focused on Andrew's back.

All that remains for the crowd is a lonely grey silhouette and the mysterious crossbow hanging diagonally on his shoulder.

No one knows who he is!

No one knows where he comes from!

He seems mysterious and powerful, but has never landed in the mortal world!

He comes alone, and leaves alone.

All he takes away is the dying red-armored beetle!

Thus, rumors about him gradually spread in the eastern district of the city of terror.

More and more masters appear in the terror city, and some encounters are discussed. Andrew is only occasionally mentioned, as most of his time is spent silently hunting red-armored beetles in deserted streets.

Andrew has also heard some of these rumors. The most prominent figures are a military figure nicknamed "Steel Beast", rumored to be able to kill a red-armored beetle with a single punch. Andrew really wants to find out how many punches this person can throw in one breath?

The other person is said to be a security advisor for the government - Ice King. This person's ability is somewhat similar to Andrew's freezing arrows, but the difference is that Ice King can freeze multiple red-armored beetles at the same time.

Standing on the rooftop of a three-story building, Andrew pondered: If I can hunt down enough Red Armored Beetles, I can start making battle armor talismans. Even if I have battle armor, I may not be weaker than these people!

In these past few days, the more Red Armored Beetles he killed, the more there seemed to be. He had no idea where they were coming from! However, the number of strays was decreasing, which troubled him.

As long as he killed fifty-four of them, he wouldn't have to skulk around and ambush anymore!

Looking at the pig brains on the street outside, which he used as bait, it seemed that it wasn't working anymore!

He had been lurking here for a long time, and his body was starting to stiffen. He overheard people passing by saying that the temperature seemed to have stopped dropping, but it still felt unusually cold!

He should eat something. Andrew touched his cold stomach.

For these days, he had been eating things like biscuits and bread. Today, he decided to eat something warm.

This three-story building used to be a luxurious restaurant. Andrew didn't have to exert much effort to find the kitchen on the first floor. He checked the utensils and found them in a mess, but all the edible things were probably taken by others!

But it didn't matter. Andrew had his own supplies. He lit the alcohol stove and, with his current conditions, he could make at most a hot pot.

Beef, cabbage, vermicelli, and even some tofu pieces were mixed together in a chaotic manner, quickly filling the air with a delicious aroma.

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