Chapter 169 Armor Casting City

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The next morning, Andrew, who had not rested, with a tired expression, went to Headquarters.

When he pass the original site of the stone monument. He was surprised to find many heavily armed internal defense forces blocking the area and setting up large and peculiar triangular instruments, a total of five, positioned at the corners of a pentagon.

When did the Research Department come up with this? Andrew wondered silently.

With the special researcher status given to him by Professor Sun, Andrew effortlessly passed through the military blockade and arrived at the Research Department's important location.

Assistant Zhou, following Professor Sun's instructions, promptly took Andrew to the laboratory whenever he arrived.

When Andrew saw Professor Sun, he was busy with a complex experiment along with Professor Fang. Although his face looked grim, his eyes sparkled with excitement and vigor.

"Chu, you arrived just in time. Take a look at Professor Fang's experiment. It's nearing success!" Professor Sun, with red eyes from research, happily exclaimed.

"What experiment?" Andrew couldn't help but be curious. Obviously, Professor Sun had not slept all night, and at his age, to be so dedicated to an experiment showed its importance.

"The new Armor Technique! Combined with the necessary dark energy, it can mass melt the exoskeletons of insects. In comparison to the previous technology, this new equipment will directly double the casting output!" Professor Sun proudly explained, "Not only that, the casting effect has also greatly improved. With sufficient energy, the exoskeleton of insects can be melted into a semi-solid granular semi-molten state, and finally reshaped through plastic devices. This is a huge technological leap in human history!"

"In the future, as the theory gradually improves and fills in the gaps, direct application in the military is also a possibility!" Professor Fang confidently stated after manipulating a multitude of buttons, leaving Andrew dazzled, before removing his glasses and yawning, displaying full confidence in the endeavor.

As a result, the total research department's production of insect armor is bound to increase significantly. Andrew was truly impressed by Professor Sun and their wisdom.

Although the melted insect armor produced by the total research department does not possess the same extractive capabilities as his battle armor symbol, for instance, using the exoskeleton of a scarab beetle as raw material, the resulting armor's effectiveness is only similar to that of the exoskeleton of a living scarab beetle, with the only difference being the change in shape.

Nevertheless, just like this, it is already able to save the lives of many soldiers and dark warriors on the battlefield!

"It's not just about armor, Chu, your ideas aren't big enough! Professor Sun and Lao Fang's vision is that, in the future, when they have the ability, they will organize the city's forces on a large scale, melt insect armor, and then surround Jinling City. Build walls and fortifications, completely keeping the insects outside the city!" Professor Sun squinted his eyes, smiling as if he could already see the walls made of insect armor materials erected around Jinling City.

 Build walls and fortifications, completely keeping the insects outside the city!" Professor Sun squinted his eyes, smiling as if he could already see the walls made of insect armor materials erected around Jinling City

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