Chapter 47 Green Beetle

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Andrew looked up and saw that the one being hooked away was actually Zhang Zicheng, whom he had seen before.

At this moment, Zhang Zicheng struggled in fear, screaming for help, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the insect's barb and was carried further and further away.

The machine gunner on the bus No.1 fired bullets in panic, shooting at the insect that took Zhang Zicheng away. Andrew didn't know if he wanted to hit the insect or Zhang Zicheng!

The insect circled in the sky for a few rounds, bit open Zhang Zicheng's head, tore open his body, casually dropped it, and then turned around to pounce on the machine gunner spewing tongues of fire!

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!!!" Andrew saw Zhongnan jumping onto the top of the bus No.1 from behind, shouting frantically.

But it was too late. The insect seemed to have locked onto the machine gunner. It flew over the heads of the crowd, its hind legs slightly hooked, lifting the screaming machine gunner.

Zhongnan grabbed the company commander who was about to take over the shooting and said heavily, "Don't shoot!..."

The frenzied insect quickly tore apart the machine gunner and continued to circle high in the sky, seemingly searching for a new target.

Zhongnan murmured softly, "Let it kill, when it's had enough, it will go back!"

Everyone felt a bit dejected, and Andrew also understood Zhongnan's meaning. With their current strength, they couldn't possibly deal with these arrogant insects. Their speed was simply too fast! Except for one insect that was entangled with a helicopter and was locked and shot down by ground forces with several rockets, the other two insects kept swooping and rising, impossible to hit.

Andrew knew that blindly shooting would only anger these insects. Judging from the behavior of the red-armored beetles, enraged insects were far more dangerous than predatory ones. Predatory insects generally left on their own after hunting enough food, but enraged insects would do anything to eliminate the threat.

Andrew pulled Jay-den and jumped off the bus No.1. They were still on the roof, purely looking for death. The two of them sat on the ground next to the bus wheel.

The gunfire from other positions gradually stopped as well, as if they had all accepted the rampage of the insects. Except when the insects swooped down, the crowd fell into a depressed silence, except for the panicked cries and calls for help from the unfortunate ones who were hooked.

After devouring more than ten people, the remaining two insects spread their wings and flew towards the distance. The scattered crowd that fled for their lives gradually gathered again, as if nothing had happened.

Zhongnan was counting the number of people and casualties on the truck. Andrew went over to have a look, but then jumped off the truck. He wanted to see the fallen insect. At that time, he only saw the insect falling, but it wasn't completely dead. Ground forces had to use a large amount of weapons and ammunition, along with the awakening warriors from the military, to kill it.

When Andrew arrived, the scene had already been sealed off by the military. He could only stand on the outskirts and observe.

The flying insect is green, unlike the color of the red beetle, but its entire body is covered in a sturdy shell. There are signs of being frozen, indicating that it was attacked with ice by a awakened warrior from some military force. There are multiple bullet marks of varying depths and a few bullet holes on its shell, which shows that even after losing its waterproof layer, the insect still has a very high level of protection!

Based on his observation just now, the flying insect's attack mainly comes from the hook-like back legs that can slightly bend, the tearing of the front legs, and the sharp and long mouth like a saw.

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