Chapter 157 Rumors Abound

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Three days had passed before Andrew regained consciousness. The battle armor had long automatically withdrawn, his clothes were changed by someone, his arms were hanging IV bags, but his stomach was growling with hunger.

He removed the needle, sat up, and gently covered the sleeping Jing Tian beside the bed with the blanket. Suddenly, he saw the little tiger at the head of the bed, looking at him with its bright tiger eyes.

Andrew patted its head, gesturing for it to follow him to the rooftop.

It was late at night, the cold wind blew on the rooftop, silence all around.

The City of Dim Light, like a dark universe, with nebulae on the verge of collapse, proving the existence of humanity on the dark land of East China.

    The City of Dim Light, like a dark universe, with nebulae on the verge of collapse, proving the existence of humanity on the dark land of East China

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Andrew took out some bug meat and tossed it to the little tiger. Instead of eating, it rubbed its head against Andrew in a pitiful manner, like an innocent child wronged.

"Sigh!" Andrew sat on the edge of the roof, holding the tiger's head in his arms, gently rubbing the spot where he had knocked it unconscious, and let out a soft sigh.

In the end times, life is as fragile as grass!

If it weren't for the mysterious compelling force called "Erasure" that attempted to touch the ancient book, he might have already perished.

Andrew gazed at the towering black stone stele under the noonday spotlight and smiled coldly.

The "Erasure" almost killed his consciousness, while human weapons almost destroyed his body!

Although he was on the north bank at the time, it was clear that the bugs were already retreating. Yet, the military continued to shell relentlessly, even firing powerful missiles that nearly pushed him to the brink!

Indeed, he blew up the tomb not because of them, but it was his actions that gave them the opportunity to attack.

Moreover, he vaguely felt that the bugs' final retreat, and the battle for consciousness with the "Erasure" at that time, had a significant impact on the severe damage to the "Erasure"!

However, the military, despite the bugs' ongoing retreat, still made such a move, leaving him deeply chilled towards the Ninth Main Force and even the entire military and command headquarters.

Frost emanated from Andrew's eyes.

"Brother, why are you here?" A soft voice came from behind Andrew.

"Oh, I slept too long, just coming out for some fresh air." The chill in Andrew dissipated instantly, a warm feeling rising from within. In this world, perhaps the only ones who truly cared about his life and death were his family.

"It's cold on the rooftop, you're wearing so little, you'll catch a cold." Jing Tian, wearing a cotton coat, said with concern.

"You forgot that I am the Dark Warrior, right? No big deal." Andrew chuckled, patted the seat next to him, and said, "Come over here and sit, chat with me, bro."

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